Chapter 10

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 ''Alice, can't believe that mother did not even noice you had no bottoms on.''

 My mind was still on the situation of what the mother was going to say more of like what didn't she say that was needed. I was absent minded. But if something doesn't go to plan I always have Jack.

  ''Yeah, that whole thing back there with that little boy was just ....''

  ''Well, I still have about six minutes left inside of me to keep going.''

  I sucked some air in.

 ''Hmm Jack, that does sound enticing. But you know what sounds even more enticing?''

  I noticed his eyebrow start to raise to a little devious look.

''Getting this carrot out of my hair AND going to bed.''

  I gave myself props what a great little tease I was.

''Oh, yes so enticing makes my heartbeat race just thinking.''

 I let out a drawn out yawn.

''Alice, I can take the sofa if you would like and you could get the bed how is that?''

I melted a bit inside.

''Oh Jack honey that is so sweet of you but that would disenfranchise you and you would get bad sleep.''

  ''Oh Alice, sweetheart, I will do anything to make you comfortable, and safe.''

''How big is the bed?''

''King size.''

  ''Hmm perhaps Jack, perhaps.''

He sauntered towards me.

 ''You know Alice,'' He started tracing my body with his finger. ''A king is a very big bed quite spacious for two people,  maybe two people named Alice and Jack.''

 Oh clever this Jack was.

''Oh Jack, you might have really convinced .''

  ''Are you going to bed wearing just that?''

''Well Jack... I mean my bottoms are off already, may as well take my top off.''

  Jack was still in front of me making little claws with his hands.

''Ah settle Jack,  I will be the removing the rest, thank you very much.''

''Fair enough then. I will be getting ready for bed as well then. I will be in the bathroom getting ready.''

  Going to bed seemed like not a bad idea after today. Sleeping in bed with an amazing gentleman.But what that child was going , in the back of the my head I had a small concern to know that something is wrong.

  I peeled my blouse off my shoulder. The blouse still had some snot on it from earlier. I wandered  through the carpeted hallway finding a bathroom. I was lured into the room by light sounds of humming. I walked to the door, sneaking myself in.

Jack was in front of the vanity mirror with a toothbrush held in his mouth, he was shirtless. He was wearing white boxer briefs , he was adjusting his boxers, pushing the waistband up and removing wedged areas.

  He was humming my favorite parts of one of my songs the lyrics that went '' And I will love you all the time.'' I saw Jack's dress shirt on the ground.It was the button up kind of shirt. Jack was still in front of the mirror brushing his hair. I don't think he noticed me I kneeled down on the tile picking up the shirt off the ground. He bent down and caressed the nape of my neck.

 Jack spat the toothpaste out of his mouth.

''You can wear that if you want. I usually do not even sleep with much of anything.

''Oh thanks.''

  I was still on all fours on the cold tile. I still had to unhook my bra.

  He was still looking down at me.


 I gave him a look that nonverbally said ''oh please Jack don't be ridiculous you cannot see the whole show tonight.''

   He left the bathroom and I picked up the white dress shirt, and I started to unhook my bra. I buttoned the top two buttons , I might offer Jack if he would like to button up the rest.

  I walked out of the bathroom , his shirt hanging off me as if it were a dress. I found the bedroom it had light buttermilk walls and the largest bed you could have ever imagined. 

 Jack was on one side of the bed putting pillows side by side in a row. I was standing in the doorframe. I saw him , he noticed me.

 ''Oh wow Alice.''

 I need help buttoning the rest of the buttons, specifically YOUR help.''

 ''Help granted my dear.''

  I tip toed near him on the carpet floors. I made my way to his side of the bed.

 I could see that he had a bit of weariness in his eyes. Hie eyes also read that he was also very alert.

  ''So if I potentially button them all up tonight , what I  am hearing is that I can unbutton it all tomorrow?''

   ''Ha Ha no, good effort though. Tomorrow if you are lucky you can unbutton. I scooted near him crIss crossed my legs. I leaned near him, he was very quick yet agile with his fingers. Not that surprising since he does do handiwork on the railroads.Jack had one black curl dangling down from his forehead. He was intensely focusing doing al the buttons .

  '' I am going to bed now. I think Alice, if you are have planned to not sleep with me tonight i totally understand. I can still go sleep on the couch if you are not comfortable.''

''Jack it is okay, I think I am starting to feel a bit more comfortable with you Jack.''

I climbed into the other side of the bed. Jack  leaned over a bit over the pillow wall, stroking my forehead.

 ''Good night Alice.''

  ''Good night Jack, sweet dreams.''

''Have the sweetest of dreams Alice.''

 Authors note:

  I might not be posting chapter 11 tomorrow as I will be working on my other story. I will be publishing a chapter from a different story, thank you :]

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