Chapter 7

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 Jack Chambers was still holding my hand while walking when I realized I had no money with me for food.

  ''Jack I am so sorry I have no money on me.''

''Alice don't worry I have some money Henry Furdle gave it to me, well more like Frank gave it to me. I have got $40.''

 Some time passed before I answered.

  ''I have never been to the store before here.''

''Ah yes darling, that is why you will be doing the shopping.''

''Ah lovely Jack.''

''Oh Alice, I'll be by your side not '' shopping shopping''.''

Jack then roughly played with my shoulders.

  Jack and I came closer to the grocery store it read ''  Palm  Spring  Valley Store''.

  Jack and I walked rough the double doors and a wave of air conditioning blasted us in the face. Very refreshing as it was blazing out here in the desert.

  ''Alright Jack I say we need milk, eggs, fish and bread. You know the necessities.Oh and a shopping cart.''

 ''That I'll get.''

  Jack went off and gathered a cart when I realized something a little bit strange. 

 Jack came back and I quietly decided to tell him.

''Do you realize something weird right now?''

''What is it?''

I couldn't help but let out a laugh.

''Alice what?''

  ''Sorry I just love your English accent it sounds like ''wot'' instead of what.''

 ''Oh Alice. I do sound British I know but I also did grow up here a bit.''

''There is no music playing in this store thats what I think might be a bit off.''

''I've never noticed music to ever play in stores, let alone my mother is the one who would do the shopping. But today I get to do it with you.'' Jack leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek. 

  ''Thank you much appreciated now lets get what we needed.''

  As Jack was by my side we walked into the refrigerator section and picked up a milk gallon. The milk carton had the face of Henry Furdle  milking a  cow with cows behind him in the background. It was the same with the carton of eggs , bread and meat packaging a label or a picture of Mr. Furdle. I wanted to tell Jack that it was unusual too but I though to myself is it that unusual? Back in Baltimore my city grocery store did have brands with a lot of the same labels as well as packaging but it wasn't monopolized by one company.

  I handed the items to Jack as he put them into the cart and rolled it into a checkout line. The store clerks had blue ribbons on their aprons both of them actually. Jack and I started loading the items on the conveyer belt when one of the ladies turned towards me.

  ''Hi, would you like your milk bagged?''

 Carrying a carton in my hands would get tiring waking all the way so maybe a bag would ease the process. 

''Yes please.''

  I started to see the lady taking a plastic bag and getting it open.Then unscrewing the cap of the carton of milk.

  ''Oh Ma'am may I ask why the milk is being poured into the bag?''

''It is one of Mr. and Mrs. Furdle's rules lovely isn't it? They give our lives here in Palm Spring Valley thanks to their amazing control,managamnt and oversight. Make sure everything is in order, every duck in its row. Oh and that will be $27.03.''

  Jack handed the money to the clerk the paper bills looked quite peculiar all blue with Mr. Furdle's face on the front of each bill with his dark chestnut hair and mustache. I tried to do a double take of the cash. Back in Maryland the bills were green with the presidents on them. I presumed the rest of the states did that as well but apparently not in  Palm Spring Valley.

  Jack got his change back from the clerk.

 ''Thank you so much for shopping at Palm Spring Valley Store remember if you love Mr. Furdle he will love you.''

  That was the second time I heard that today I found it a bit peculiar but I wanted to brush that away Jack and I still needed to walk back to his house.

 The two of us were exiting the doors and going back into the heat.

''Jack what do you want me tot make for dinner tonight?''

 ''Anything , anything thats easy for you. Plus tonight I want you to get more familiar with me and the house.'' 

 I kept on walking.

''Alice, I love how your hair glistens in the sun you are like my golden good girl. Your so golden.''

Jack and I have not known each other that long yet what he says always makes me beam inside.

  More cars started passing by us , laving the busy intersections, driving their way into their humble abodes. We were on Jack's street with the multicolored homes , I saw some of the cars that past by us pulling into their driveways. Nearing Jack's residence I walked up the paved concerete steps decorated with ornate pebbles on the walkway. This was quite better than ''Ho Spring'' thats for sure.

  Jack was fumbling with the keys in his hands sliding begrudging smashing the keys into the keyhole. I heard him quietly mumble something under his breath.

 ''I hate keys as well.''

''Me as well Alice, me as well.''

''Great minds think alike.''

  I got no response.

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