Chapter 36

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  I couldn't describe to you the state I was in, I lifted my hand off the table. Jack was with Loretta over by the counter.

 ''You are not going anywhere Alice Warren.'' He turned around.

  ''You know what I think we ought to restrain her, tired of putting up with her kind.''

''Its under the sink Jack.''

It was a huge roll of duct tape he walked in a menacing way towards me menacing and casually straddling a dining chair.

  ''Where do I begin Miss Alice?'' He said with a smirk as he began rolling a long strip of tape.

  ''Well for one you are quite incredibly stupid for getting yourself in a situation , the biggest trap of all coming here for belonging. Oh cute so so cute.''

  He ripped off these pieces of tape putting them on my hands wrapping the tape around quite tightly. I was sucking my cheeks in.

  ''You tricked me Jack! You convincing, manipulative, controlling taint.''

''You talk way too much do you know that, you just clutter up the air with your pointless nonsense.''

''Why did you even do this to me?'' I had a sickened tone in my voice.

  ''Loretta!'' Jack yelled over his shoulder.

''This is gold! Are you hearing this?''

My feet were starting to get taped to the table.

Loretta came and suggested he put tape on my midsection. I saw Loretta had water and was holding something very small with a grayish color. Jack looked at me with a smile too large for my liking, my eyes did lock with his for a short moment in a plea of desperation.

  ''This is such a fun game isn't it Alice? You get to be the desperate helpless victim and well just like you said I'll just do what I do best and contining being my amazing manipulative self. I gritted my teeth and started darting my eyes.

  Jack got up from his chair standing up.

  ''How long did you even think a man like myself would be with a woman like you who couldn't even do the bare minimum and give me a child?''

  Jack is reminding me of the desert right now. Dry, unforgiving and well just a prick.

 I had an idea. I started to thrash my body on the table as much as I could.

 ''The more you thrash around like an animal, you will be treated like one!''

 More layers of tape were being put on me heating the countless stretched  out ripping noises.

  I was gritting my teeth but I knew for in order for this to work I need to relax myself. First starting with my head. Now I really have to act

''Great! She's now compliant.''

I heard the noise again this time the tape going on my eyes. Never in my life could I hear my heart beat that loud. But saying I could feel my heart jump borderline jumping out of my body I feel like I am not far from the truth. My eyebrow hairs felt uncomfortable as they were lying on the tape and the feeling of the tape coming in contact with my bare eyelids.

''Now Alice, I am going to ....''

''LORETTA! SHUT UP! You don't need to narrate what you are doing  she is in our control now and when I mine control I mean myself in control.''

I obviously couldn't hear anything. I need to make myself quite and compliant still so they don't think of  anything worse to do to me or other things of that sort.

  I could feel Jack's hands pulling my lips apart putting a pill on my tongue and pour water in my mouth enough of a large amount to choke me.

  At the clinic we needed patients to take their pills and we found out that they would hide it in one corner of there mouth. A staff member wouldn't be looking when they would store the medicine in one of their pockets and hoard to take it later or toss it out. Then mouth checks had to be implemented. 

 I drank the water and stored the pill under my tongue. After they saw my ''swallow''a piece of tape was placed on my mouth. Then many many long pieces of tape being put on my neck.

  I heard soft mumbles things like ''Yes I can drive and ''no we will go there then get shovels and ropes the rest was muffled well besides my heartbeat.

  I started to hear footsteps  come near me I don't know if I can stay calm anymore.

Author note: Hey hoped you all liked this or well tolerated it if so I want really really  appreciate a star or feedback. If not thats okie Thank you all so much <3 :D

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