Chapter 32

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It was dark out but I could see other cars rolling up, with familiar faces inside. Jack pulled up.

  ''Amazing we all arrived on time.'' He gladly said as he took the keys out of the ignition. I heard cars doors open and close in unison with people making their way inside the place of work

  Jack and I walked inside a conference room of sorts where everything and everyone was bright and illuminated.



I saw two boys run towards each other exchanging a hug  one with blonde hair and the other had little brown curls. I felt Jack leave my side as he went to talk with Robert, James, and William. There were two women besides two of the men they were wearing lavish blue dresses. I turned around and saw a table with placards and a white linen tablecloth. I made my way over.

  Jack and I were seated together with William and his wife, James and his wife besides William and his wife. Robert ad Patrick right directly sandwiched across the table between William and James. I was the only one who sat down.

 I then felt a tap on my shoulder just incredibly soft and gentle as if it was a feather that was touched down on me. I turned around it was Patrick with a piece of paper.

  ''Oh hello Patrick I'm glad to see you are here.'' He presented a note towards me with the words written on it 

  Hi Alice, gud to cee yu hear agen.

   I smiled ;

''Thank you Patrick, I really do appreciate that.''

He placed his hands to his heart and smiled again. I know Patrick is a co worker of Jack's but I can't explain why am glad to be with Patrick in this moment but I am happy with it to see him and just see his endearing charisma.

    Patrick pointed to my chair with my placard on it , he did a motioning with his hand.

''Oh you would like to seat me? That would be lovely Patrick.''

  I felt Patrick scooting me until the tablecloth hit my lap. I then saw Jack at the corner of my eye, I darted my eye quickly away. He stoped his conversation an came towards me quite swiftly. William noticed and came straight after him like a lost little puppy then Robert and James followed in suit. 

 Jack walked over to the table sat down in a huff looking quite disgusted. I leaned towards his leg was bouncing up and down his brow was furrowed too.

 ''Jack, its Patrick , Patrick for goodness sake he is not a threat.'' I started to see his shoulders relax and forehead become less furrowed.

  I looked at the table, the two little boys were not  seated at the table. I leaned across the table to James and William.

  ''I hear your little boys, will they be joining us at the table?''

James and William looked at each other in such bewilderment then back at me as if I were a twelve dog that sings.

  ''Our misstresses will handle that.'' James responded.

  I saw both the wives get up an retrive their children who shrieking with delight. The women came back to the table and instead of having their children sit on their laps or having James and William pull out a chair. The mothers lifted the white tablecloth placing their own child under the table playing quietly with each other.

  ''I hope diner is coming, I'm rather hungry.'' Robert said.

 ''Tell me about it Robert, I haven't ate since lunch.'' William responded

  At the front of the room I saw three serving trays the silver platters types that had a domed lid that three men in jet black suits  were holding walking towards us. James leaned in started passing out the tableware. I  set up my plate the correct way my grandmother had shown me when I was nine, I was too young too appreciate it at that time but I knew it was in a way her showing love to me.

 The three suited men arrived in single file center of the table and the ends. Another man placing a pitcher full of water on the table. 

''Patrick, William, Robert, James and your missresses can all go first.''

''Are you sure Jack?How thoughtful of you.''

I saw Jack nod. James then started the table's waters. The meal of steam chicken and broccoli was passed on to Jack and I. I signaled to Jack he could put the food on my plate I tilt my head to the misses of William and James who were busy cutting their own chicken feeding themselves.

 I knew deep down this was none of my business but  noticed while serving the children did not get served and no child deserves to go hungry, perhaps they have eaten before they have eaten before they came but its safe to be sure.

  The boys were setting up a conversation while I tapped one of the wive's to get attention.

 ''Oh pardon me, I'm with Jack, Jack's......... wife I noticed you have a child and I don't know if he has eaten yet  I can......''

  ''Oh El! Did you give Jimmy his pill yet?''

I turned my head to the other woman who was mid swallow.

''Oh no, I need to.''

James mistress turned towards me; ''thanks for the reminder Alice, goodness I almost forgot.''

 I smiled , ''its understandable sometimes we forget.''

I started to put some food onto a napkin. What kind of a mother forgets to feed their own child? Mothers can be forgetful at times but that? 

 I was about to lean it over to the wives. When I saw the two little boys peek out from under the tablecloth and their heads peering into their mother's lap. I saw the moms reach into their purse scoop something unidentifiable into there hands. The moms simultaneously gave their cup of water to the child in exchange for their toy car.

  I started on my own food acknowdling what had happened with the napkins full of food by my side, ''Jack?'' I tapped my hand on his leg.

  Before I knew it the lights were starting to dim followed by the sound of forks dropping and chair legs moving. 

  Jack noticed my nudges moving a strand away from my ears;

  ''Shhh, can't talk love , just hold my hand k? We cant do anything under the table at the moment, I'll give it to you later, understand?'' The dark came over and Jack started to weave his hand into my limp hand. 

  Why cant Jack ever see what I see? Why cant he ever notice what I notice?


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