Chapter 3

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    By now it was late at night ; dark but you could still see clusters of stars. I heard three identical chimes leading the doors of the train to open.Each of the women I have seen previously started to exit out the doors single file. I stepped down with my suitcase outside I felt a stale breeze on my back. In front of me there was a booth titling 

    ''Women's housing placement''

     A dim light was under the sign of what I assumed was the booth . I started walking towards it. I crept up towards the booth having the sign's light be my guide, an old lady stood behind a dirty window in the booth. She opened her mouth and dry croaked

   ''Name , age and reason of a residency.''

    '' Alice, 26, and I am partially undeicited.''


She had more of a tone in her voice.

''Yes''. I added adamantly.

''Well for starters without you giving a last name you will be given an apartment complex then.''

  I did have a last name it was Warren, I just didn't think it was that important and it was just a bland last name.

   ''Thats is perfectly fine.''

  I heard a weird muffle under her breath and sounds of her fumbling around in a metal cabinet next to her.

   ''Welcome to Palm Canyon, California undecided Alice with no last name here is your keys goodbye.''

   Before I could even say goodbye to the lady with the tone as dry as the air around me .The keys were roughly thrown at me. Well, the keys more like fell in the dirt as the lady caught me off guard resulting in me not catching them. I bent down and picked the set of keys off the ground, I blew some of the dust off it read.

   ''Hot Springs Apartment 35''

   Assuming Hot Springs was the name of my apartment. I was relieved to know I would be getting a roof over my head, although a house would be nice. I decided now that I got my keys it would be a wise idea to head my way down there now.

  I think I chose wisely to head to my new residence as  it was getting darker. I have walked a ways that now the booth tellers sign  light was long gone.I was just now relying on a barren freeway just seeing where it will take me. I was thinking about that Mr. Chambers guy, I knew he would rather be called Jack. The man was charming I will admit that. He had an alluring personality, possibly more inside of him I would have to dig deeper but I felt like there was a bond just from that train ride. I kept trudging along when I saw a faint street intersection one side was a row with houses and across from it was. tall building with a rickety sign hanging above it. The barely legible sign read ''Hot Springs Apartment''but the t and s ere faded out making it look like ''Ho Spring Apartment ''.

  I made my way towards Ho Spring's complex building every single door I was passing by looked identical.After trying numerous doorknobs in the dark night I jammed my keys into one last knob this one I am pretty sure it was room 35. I opened my door ,weary and tired. I looked out the window seeing a shadow of a man walking into a house the man looked quite familiar from the back it looked like Mr. Chambers, but why would he get different housing than me? I decided it was enough questioning  and time for me to go to bed.

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