Chapter 21

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 She started to turn her head towards me.

 ''Oh Loretta, I just remembered gluten makes me puff and I always feel sick in the morning after, so no need to worry about it.''

  Her lips pursed.

  ''So not even gravy?''

''Loretta, oh no I appreciate it though.''

''Why yes doll, we will talk tomorrow morning same time holler my name I might be outside in the back helping Leroy with the vegetables. Well Goodbye Alice.''

 ''Nice to meet you Loretta.''

 We then both shut our doors. Now time to put my emotions away for right now, I mean talking to Loretta made me feel a lot better but she isn't like Jack. But now, I want to do what Loretta said. The house is a mess and I feel like I should do something nice for Jack. I mean Jack did offer me to stay in this beautiful house. I will make him a diner dish he will like.

 I looked around on the bedroom floor it was a mess seeing clothes and towels strewn out from nights before. I hated cleaning, but it is all for Jack. I was bending over picking up towels when I started to think about that pill sitting on the plate Loretta gave me, it was just a small capsule. I collected the rest of the clothes most of it was Jack's day clothes. I went into the bedroom's closet and got a white basket to put the dirty clothes in. Jack never shown me where the laundry area was, let alone if we even had one. I picked up the basket and made my way towards the kitchen. Back at my house in Maryland the washing machine and folding area was in the garage. Walking towards the kitchen is where I spotted a familiar looking machine with similar looking knobs to my washing machine. Quite odd to have a clothing washing machine in the kitchen, I thought. I loaded up the clothes in the washer when it really hit me where was I going to put those pills Loretta gave me? I had an urgent sense to hide the pills, knowing nobody was even home and myself wondering why I was so skittish it was not like I was planning on taking them. But non the less I hid the capsule under my pillow.

 Okay, Okay I need to make some dinner for Jack a carrot dish I sadly suppose. Jack always said good girls eat carrots and I want to always be his good girl or in this case his ''golden good girl''. Even though I will be making a meal with a food I do not like that much I am just so excited to see Jack, especially after this morning. I hope he is happy to see me as well. I went to the referiadrator pulling out the retched carrots. I set those aside and got out a stew pot filled it up with water then putting it on a burner. I let the water come to a boil meanwhile I cut the carrots into extremely small pieces. As the water was starting to simmer I sprinkled in some seasonings. While the fridge door was still open  I pulled out russet potatoes and some of the meat from the very first dinner Jack and I had together. While I was  chopping all of the ingredients I was  reminiscing when Jack held me and didn't let go as he played with my hair. I was anticipating Jack's arrival so we can do that all over again. It would be just him and I putting our love on each other. An urge came over for to advance that feeling. I put the pot with all the ingrirednts on , onto a simmer. I scrounged in the drawers in the kitchen to find some scissors to pick the flowers. I was planning on picking petals off the flowers and putting them on the floor and bed. My friends back home told me their boyfriends would do that for them. I always wanted to that, but nobody ever gave that to me but tonight was the night I hoped I would get it all -everything and more. The heat was sweltering outside when I was outside, but the pain of the heat was with my reward. A reward for one. I found red flowers, they weren't roses but they would work. Jack would be coming home soon so I ran back inside feverishly ripping off petals scattering some on the floor and the rest on the bed. Hopefully this act would suffice him. Now I thought, I play the waiting game, I went to the window where I could get a street view of Jack's arrival. My smiles were becoming uncontrollable  just knowing how quick he will soon be home. Looking outside the window everything was all still no cars moving or men stepping into their homes. I reassured myself though, time to dress up for him I suppose. I wanted to get an outfit that would set the mood so I quickly went into the bedroom plunging into my suitcase and grabbing my apricot colored dress. I loved this dress, the fit, color, and the button closure. My mom handmade it which made it even more special. Jack would sure love this I thought. I added my finishing touches of a pearl necklace and red lipstick. I went back into the living room, stirred the stew and continued to look out the window. But after all the hours of waiting Jack still wasn't home.

Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed  chapter 21 apologies for the incosnictes in posting, I dont know when it will become a bit more stable as personal life challenges are occurring. But thank you all so so much for reading this hope you all enjoyed :] <3 

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