Chapter 19

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 The water was starting to overflow from the tub onto the floor. That realase from crying felt better, but if I didn't cry this much I wouldn't be on the floor naked mopping up water.After I was done sopping up all the water, I leaned into the tub taking out the drain. In the full nude I walked out of the bathroom and onto the carpeted floor area of the bedroom. I went into the dresser picking out the clothes I would be wearing today. I then heard a noise coming from the window near Jack and I's bed.

 ''Jefferson NO how many times have I told you to not walk away from Mommy? Do that one more time and you loose food scrap privileges, you hear? Daddy and I do not want to see you getting mangled outside and getting almost eaten.''

 Many of what I heard from the booming vice from outside sounded quite concerning to me, knowing you cannot treat a child like that.

  Now fully dressed I marched to the window , getting ready to intervene. I opened up the window to see a curvy lady with doll like coils of hair. The lady also had very tattered clothes. I think she spotted me.

  ''Leroy! I heard the lady scream behind her.

 ''Lady next door stopped wailing so damn loud, oh please Jefferson keep it down Mommy is talking.''

  I saw a worn look in the lady's face she looked about 60 years old.

  ''Oh Ma'am I don't mean to bother you but I really do not think any child should be spoken to that way.''

 The lady looked at me in flustered way, shaking her head.

  ''Sorry, sorry let me explain Jefferson is out chicken, Jefferson cant be let outside that often because Leroy and I had our other son Marcel  being torn up alive. Oh I'm Loretta by the way, and I am 67 years young. Now hon, I need your name because I do not think it is right that my husband and I refer to you as the crying lady.''

 ''Alice, my name is Alice, so sorry about that , I recently moved in with a lovely man , just trying to adjust you know?''

  ''Well Ms. Alice, I know all about husbands Leroy is my second husband my fist one Scott his cat ate my other son Marcel.''

  ''Oh well Jack and I aren't husband and wife.''

 ''Well honey why in God's great gracious land were you whining last night and falling apart this morning? Wait, wait let me guess hon you haven't eaten thats why you are problay feeling this way.''

 I was wondering how this women even knew.

  ''See and this is why I am a mother I have great mother's intuition .Do you want toast or egg?''

  Before I could even respond, Loretta started up again.

 ''Yes, note to self scrambled girl= scrambled eggs.''

  I saw Jefferson walk into the kitchen, I got a peak and that most definitely was not a  human kid.

 ''Jefferson my love, great to see you thank you so much for behaving I didn't want you to end up like baby Marcel.''

 The chicken lady then gave the bird a kiss.

  Loretta went into her fridge and pulled out an egg, then putting it on the skillet.

 ''Great you have a fresh source of eggs.'' Made me feel jealous of the fake eggs we have.

''That is why we have Jefferson he is our main source of food, eggs I mean. Leroy helps in the garden, we don't leave the house much or really at all to be fair.''

 I could kind of tell based on the tattered clothes and her behavior. She started to slide the eggs onto a patterned plate, she then went back into the fridge grabbing a pitcher.

 ''This is my orange juice.'' She began.

''Every morning the three of us all drink our juice, but I have to pour Jefferson's  juice in a cup that is beak level for him.''

I smiled and nodded, little strange but it was sweet.

  I saw her start to reach into a cabinet on her tip toes.

''Oh Loretta , I see that you are getting something from your cabinet do you need help.''

Her reply was very quick. 

''No Alice, this is for you.''

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