"Learn well, Jakesully." Mo'at said sternly, her accent mushing together his name. "Then we will see if your insanity can be cured." Her ears tilted down as she talked, her eyes narrowing. Jake nodded, swallowing the lump in his throat as he glanced at Ka'yi through his half-lidded eyes.

Ka'yi rolled her eyes as she began to walk away, watching as all the villagers began talking again. "Hey- uh wait up," Jake called out to the girl who was hitting another one who continued cackling. "Keep up." Ka'yi hissed as the girl walked away. Jake nodded, walking beside her as he tried to keep in sync with her long strides.

"First we must get you out of those..." Her nose wrinkled at the sight of what he was wearing. "Clothes."

Jake laughed at her face, a clear sign of disgust. "There  comfortable." He spoke to her, picking at the ripped material of his shirt. Her nose just wrinkled more, cutting off the conversation. As they veered near the small cabin-like home she smiled at the familiar scent of the cooking flowers.

"This is home to Ca'i, a friend. She does not speak so be quiet." Ka'yi spoke, her hand coming up to stop Jake from coming closer. "Got  it 'cap." He said, bringing up his hand to his mouth and acting like he was zipping up something before locking it and throwing away the key.

Ka'yi furrowed her brows at the movement, her ears flicking in confusion. She blankly stared before blinking and scoffing. Jake just stood there, his face hot in embarrassment as he watched the girl knock on the wood surrounding the leaf-like door.

A face appeared from the inside of the room, eyes wide in fear before calming down at the sight of Ka'yi. "Im sorry to bother you Ca'i but im in need of cloth for him." She spoke in a much softer tone than her usual blunt and demanding tone as her thumb pointed to the man behind her.

Ca'is eyes scanned the man for a moment before nodding, ears fluctuating before she disappeared behind the door. Ka'yi looked back at the man, her eyes scanning his clothes. Ca'i appeared, clothes in her hand as she looked at Ka'yi.

Ca'i handed the clothes to the girl, her eyes going back to Jake before looking back to Ka'yi. 'Your Mate?' Ca'is hands signed in question. Ka'yi furrowed her brows, her tongue poking out slightly to lick her lips. "No, this is the Sky man." Ka'yi shook her head with a scowl.

Ca'i laughed silently as she nodded. "Alright, Jakesully." Ka'yi walked up to the man, eyes staring into his as she handed him the clothes. "Change," Ka'yi said bluntly, pointing to him and then to the clothes. "Right here?" Jake's ears twitched in embarrassment as he started lifting off his shirt.

"Kehe!" Ka'yi yelped as she grabbed onto his hand, and her face turned into a scowl. "No." She repeated as her hand forced his down more. "You change there."  She pointed to the bushes as her tail twitched behind her. "Oh.." Jake said with wide eyes, his ears pointing down in embarrassment. "Of course." He laughed, walking towards the bushes.

The leaves brustled as he worked to get the small clothes on. He fiddled with the only thing given to him, bottoms or maybe it was a top. His eyebrows furrowed as he maneuvered it around in his hands, trying to figure out which was the front.

"What the front again?" He asked, peaking his head over the bush as he discarded his other clothes. "The covering." She pointed to the place which had a small curtain-like thing connected to it. "Goes in the front and that is the back," Ka'yi said, slightly laughing as his eyes bulged as he looked to where she pointed.

"Yeah...alright." His voice cracked as he bent down to put the clothes on. Ka'yis ears twitched as she heard the man struggle with his clothes, cursing on about random things. Her tail swished as he popped up, an uncomfortable smile on his face.

"Alright, let's go." He walked out from the bush, walking with his legs spread wide and uncomfortably. Ka'yi scanned him, looking at the slight tone on his slim abdomen and the way his dots lit up with the night with small patterns. "Your.." Ka'yi coughed, pointing to his backside.

"It's kinda hard when it's riding up my ass," Jake complained as he tried to adjust it. "Just walk normally, you will get used to it." Ka'yi tried hard to keep her laughter in as Jake walked ahead of her, the uncomfortable stance making it obvious he wasn't used to it.

"Now, we eat."

0n1ver3 SPEAKS!

Ka'yi when she learned she had to teach Jake:

Ka'yi when she learned she had to teach Jake:

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Anyhooo... i'm exited for my babies to interact more with each other.

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