"You're Straw Hat Luffy, arent you?" Jimbe asks. "They took him just now! Go! They've taken Ace san to the elevator!  Go! You can still catch them!"

"Who're you, old man?" Luffy questions him.

"Hold on, hold on, hold on! First, Luffy. Get me outta here!" I whines when my arms started to get numb.

"Oh, right! Anyway, okay, thank you! Whoever you are!" Luffy thanks him before asking Inazuma to break the jail.


Y/n pov

Just before i can thank Inazuma, Ivankov suddenly insert his nail, i dont know?! Into my side body.

Ackk! Its hurt!

After a few second, he pulls out his sharp nails or needles from my body.
Woah, my body feels a bit light and good.

My arms, body and head are fine now! No more bruises ^-^ !!

*Time skip*

As me, Ivankov and Inazuma thinking about a way to escape from level 6, someone's suddenly laughs out.


"Hahaha! If you wanna get out of here, set me free! I can create a hole on the ceiling." He stands up. " What do you think?"

Luffy mouth gape in shock when he sees Crocodile. "You're being held here?! Crocodile!"

The guy laughs again.
"It's been a while! Straw Hat!"

This must be the famous line! I see, that's a cool voice he got there >_<!


Luffy is reluctant to free Crocodile, but Ivankov offers to keep him in line by blackmailing him with a weakness he knows about.

"I know one of his weaknesses!" Ivankov teases Crocodile who glares back at him.

I tilt my head in confusion.
"What is his weaknesses, Ivan?" I asks him which Crocodile barks back to not let me know about it.

"But, if you just shut up and help us, i keep the secret for Y-O-U! Hee-haw!!" im so curious!! Hmph!

I saw Crocodile gritting his teeth.
"You bastard!"

Thankfully, Jimbe also joins us in order to stop the war between Whitebeard and the Marines.


3rd pov

The six prisoners get up to level 5, using Crocodile's ability. Crocodile, Jimbe, y/n and Luffy, who headed up earlier, are already at level four.

Y/n let out a breathe as her heart rapidly beats the moment she step on the level 4 floor.

"Dang, Mr Crocy. You didnt even run using your leg!" Y/n exclaim between breathe while wiping her sweats away using her sleeve.

"Dont call me that, brat! And i dont care, suck to be you." He coldly says before touching the door. "Doors cant stop me! I'll turn it into sand with my right hand."

Must be suck to be a reptilia...

The fourth of them attack the Impel Down guards.

"Hold out until backups will get here! We're outnumbering them!" Yells one of the guard.

"Get out of our way! We're in hurry!" Luffy says with his face furrowed. "Lets go to the Navy Headquarters!!"


At the main entrance of the Impel Down, the Blackbeard Pirates enter Impel Down.

"Please wait! We didnt ask for reinforcements and... there's a state of emergency here so we cant assure your safety!" The guards panickly says to stop the pirates from entering.

"--It doesnt matter! We're on the same side!"

"B-but even so, pirates are not allowed to enter the prison...-" Before the guard can finish his word, the captain of Blackbeard sucking down guards and gates, to enter the Great Prison.

"There's no need to hesistate! Im... on the Government side!" Confirm Teach to his crews.

Meanwhile, at Level 2, many of the rioters are being poisoned by Magellan.

Magellan decides to let Shiryu out of his cell, to defeat Blackbeard and his crew, while Magellan himself will gets rid of the escapees at Level 4 where Luffy, y/n and others were at.


Y/n pov

We all have been running on this bridge to the other side of building while Luffy manages to clear the way by attacking the Impel Down guards.

I dont want to run anymore!!!

"Crab chan! Where is the staircase to level 3?! Luffy asks Inazuma. "Go left! And across that bridge!" He answer as he cutting down the bridge.

"Straw boy! You cant stop running! Leave them to us and... you better keep going forward and up! Bring y/n chan with you! Now, go!"

"--I got it! Thanks!"

I didnt hear much what Ivankov said because im busy fighting the guards. I was about to take a deep breathe when i suddenly saw a stretch hand roll on my waist.

"W-wait L-luffy-- NoooOoo!!" My body fly forward, following Luffy directions who already runs away from me.


After that, i run beside Luffy reluctanly and Jimbe also runs with us to fight together against the guards and  Demon guards.

That's weird ass Demon!!

"Lets go, Luffy kun!! I'll assist you! Hurry y/n san! Though im not good at fighting on the land!"

"Yeah? You're strong enough!" I say back at him.

Before Luffy can uses his 'gum-gum' ability, the New Kama's Six Forces stops us and telling us to keep going and let them be the one who's fighting.

"Ohh!! Are they formidable?!" Luffy excitedly says with his eyes blings stars.

"Can someone picks me up? Piggy back me or something..." I mutter tiredly while kicking the small pebbles away from my way. "Im tiredddd..." I drag the word in whines tone.

I miss my bed...


Recommend me some powers or abilities with the characters who owned the powers !! Thx!!

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