"It's not-It's not your fault," Jade said sniffling before he hugged her again.

"Jay," Remus said and she turned towards him and sobbed again as she hugged him tightly as Tonks wrapped her arm around her too.

"I'm sorry Uncle Moony, I'm sorry Dora. Teddy, he...he won't...he won't..." Jade began but Remus shushed her.

"He still has you and mom Jay. He'll be fine," Tonks said tears in her eyes.

"Still, you both didn't deserve this. It's not fair," Jade said and Remus wiped the tears from her eyes.

"Wait, you both had a child? And you're-you're both dead?" Sirius asked shocked, not them too.

"Yeah," Remus said.

"Sirius," Tonks said in tears and two of them hugged as Tonks held him tightly, not believing he was here.

Jade looked from Remus to Fred and George side by side once again and she laughed tearily before she hugged the both of them so glad they were together again. "Freddie."

"Jay am I really dead?" Fred asked as he rubbed both their backs and when she looked at him with teary pained eyes he got the message and sighed before he kissed her forehead and hugged his brother tighter.

"I'm sorry Freddie," Jade said into his chest.

"It's ok Jay. It's not your fault," Fred said softly to his sister in all but blood.

"Jade?" Lily asked hesitantly walking towards her as Alaric moved towards Damon who looked at him for a second before pulling him in for a hug.

"Damon I'm really confused," Alaric said as he hugged him back shocked that Damon had been the one to hug him first.

"We all are," Damon said pulling away from his best friend.

Jade moved from Fred's embrace before she turned to her mother and tears fell from her eyes as she said, "Mom." Lily let out a sob at that before she pulled her in for a hug. James came forwards and looked at her in tears before he pulled them both for a hug. Jade cried so hard in their embrace, it's what she'd always wanted, this is what she always wanted, to be hugged by them, to be loved by them.

Lily pulled away after a while and wiped her daughter's tears she still couldn't believe it, "I'm so sorry. I missed everything. We missed everything."

"It's not your fault mom. I never blamed any of you. None of what happened is your fault. I'm just glad to see you both now," Jade said a break in her voice before she turned to her...she didn't know what to call him. "Is it okay if I call you papa instead of dad?" Jade asked and Damon smiled at that making Alaric confused.

"Of course. Call me anything you want Prongslet," James said pulling her in for a hug. "Merlin you're so grown up. The last time I hugged you you were a baby and now...now you're my height. This is going to take some getting used to."

Jade laughed slightly at that before she hugged them again, "I can't believe you're really here."

Damon looked at Sirius for a moment before he went forwards and hugged him as Sirius laughed and hugged him back. "Miss me Fangs?" Sirius asked leaving Severus confused, just who was he? He's never seen him at Hogwarts before so how did they know him?

"Shut up Padfoot. Still as annoying as ever," Damon said rolling his eyes as he pulled away.

"Come on, admit it, you missed me," Sirius said with a grin.

"Fine I did miss you, you idiot," Damon said before he pulled him in for another hug then he turned to Remus. "You weren't supposed to die too Moony. You know I have a bad track record with friends." Remus laughed lightly before the two friends hugged as Jade smiled over at them. 

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