It would go against the entire reason I made the choices I did. This could be my final act of protecting her.

I heard the whip clatter to the floor. The administrator's footsteps were loud. He had boots on, heavy ones designed for executions. His hand wrapped the back of my neck, fingers pressing into my gills, and he shoved me onto my knees. The pressure, the heavy hand of justice, did not lessen until I wrapped a clammy hand around the knife. 

There was a rumble as the Zeta Tube began to whirl into life. I glanced at it. Please don't be my friends. They didn't need to see this. Dinah looked sick as it was. I took a deep breath and lined the tip of the knife up with my navel. If I did it right, it would be a quick death. If I got it wrong...

I wouldn't.


At my king's voice, I jolted and drove the blade in. It was burning, searing pain. Hot blood gushed around my hands when I drew it out. Die. Die. Die. If he's interrupting now, there's only one reason. Dinah yelled and her hands grabbed mine, forcing me to drop the blade. It clattered into a growing crimson pool.

I struggled. I did not press deep enough. Blood, warm and sticky as it was, was not pouring out fast enough for me to have stabbed the artery. Maybe a little more to the left? With a hard jerk, I freed one hand. The hilt of the knife was slippery.

Before I got a good grasp on it, Orin lifted me. I gasped, neck spasming. My back was raw and his arm crossed so many places. Black tinted over everything. My king's eyes were wild. Despite that his voice was soft and somber. "Can you put pressure on that for me?" I didn't move. I couldn't move. Pain ate at me, forcing me into this contorted position. He called for Mother, and she pressed down. Wetness---tears or blood?---ran down my face.

Darkness consumed my vision, and when I regained it, I was staring up at a blank ceiling.

"Lay him on his back."

"Sha'lain'a, he's---"

"Do you want to risk his organs spilling out when I cut him open?" she bit. I shuddered, bile rising to my throat. She should not be doing this. She should not try to save me. I hurt her youngest, I hurt her baby.

"You should not be the one doing this."

"You should not have allowed them to sentence him to death in the first place. On his back, Orin."

I whined. Mother flitted over to me.

"I know, sh. I need you on your back, so I can help you." She brushed her fingers over my cheeks, comforting me for the wrong thing. I wanted her to let me die."And afterwards I will let you sleep with me and your father like you did when you were younger. However long you wish to. And when--When you are all better, I will make you plenty of kelp cakes. As many as you can stomach."

Orin eased me onto the cot, letting his touch linger. He was close to me, only a few inches between the two of us. I could smell the cologne he was wearing, sandalwood. I peeked at my stomach, catching a glimpse of a cotton pad slowly turning pink. A finger caught my chin and turned it up. He kissed my forehead, before pulling away.

"Do I need to strap him down?"

I tugged at his hand. Mother said something back to him, I did not pay enough attention to know what. They were having a conversation over me, while I clung to his hand like an infant. I pulled at him again. Finally, he turned his gaze to me.

"Why?" I rasped. The words were hard to force out. My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth. They probably were not audible, forced out on a jagged breath. Orin's eyebrows drew together. Mother chased him out before he could answer.

I watched her dig through her satchel. The dolphin charm grinned at me. It was green, carved out of some sort of gemstone or shell, I couldn't remember which. Percy and I had gotten it for her on her birthday. Father bought it for us. Five year olds did not tend to have a lot of money. What would Percy get her this year? Maybe a new sash.

She usually got her one so she could borrow it later.

Mother pulled out a thin vial, half full of an almost honey-thick liquid, and a dosing cup. The lid came off easily. The thick medicine came out in a slow stream. Why did it seem familiar? It pooled to the first line, then the second and third. She screwed the lid on and tucked it back into the bag.

"I need you to drink this."

I pressed my lips tight. A sedative, that was what it was. I'd seen the purple color and consistency enough time from Percy's various injuries to recognize it. I had seen Mother dose people before blood would billow in the water. She should not do this. I tried to mirror Orin's words, but they would not come out. Her hands were shaking.

"Baby...Please. Please. For Mommy? It will make you feel better. It will make the pain stop."

Once again, I tried to speak, but the liquid was forced down my throat. I coughed and choked on the cloying mixture. Within minutes, the haze returned, clouding every sense. My hands grasped for Mother and I pulled her down, pressing a kiss to her cheek. I giggled. She looked so surprised. Or maybe afraid?


"Love you."

Relief danced over her features. "I love you too, baby boy. But I think I dosed you for your sister." She ruffled my hair, and I pouted. "You will be asleep soon, darling boy. Have good dreams for me, okay?"

As if to prove her point, I yawned. "Can I stay in your room later?" Father was always comfy, but Percy always stole him. It was not fair.

"As soon as you are all better, you can sleep in there whenever you want. But you need to rest right now so I can help you." A warm kiss to my forehead distracted me long enough for the drug to drag me under.

Everything was dark.

And here we have a nice ending that totally isn't actually ambiguous whatsoever

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the book and the constant derailment that ensure I almost always focus on one blorbo to torture

(The coin toss said hurt the boy, you know who you are lol)

for the last time on this book

See yah

Aquagirl (Fem. Percy x YJ)Where stories live. Discover now