Step number two part two

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Yoko's POV:

Yoko didn't have many chances to hunt anymore. Not that she missed it- killing living beings wasn't very fun. It did, however, feel good to act normal again. Yoko had been at Nevermore for many, many years, and barely got to be a real vampire.

Yoko continued her search throughout the forest. So far, she had covered her quadrant of the forest, and still had seen no sign of the creature. Yoko stopped.

If she were the monster, where would she go?

Yoko recalled everything she knew about Krugers.

They are bitter beings. She knew that. They were full of vengeance. So, what would a revenge-seeking monster do?

Yoko smiled, before sprinting off in the opposite direction.

Yoko had two more hours by the time she reached her destination. This was where she had found Lucas Walker, that night in the woods.

Expecting the creature to pounce, Yoko instantly went on the defence, but no attack came. Only after a minute of watching the shadows for the Kruger did she notice something.

The moon shone through the leaves, dappling the ground in silver. One drop of light fell on a tree branch, which glinted red.

Yoko followed the trail of drops for the next hour. Finally, she reached her horrific destination.

The body of a young boy lay on a tree stump. His heart had been completely torn out of his chest. Like with Lucas, his torso was split. Yoko gasped.

"Oh, god."

Running forwards, Yoko picked up the boy. Glancing around, Yoko began to head back to the school. If the Kruger was nearby, she didn't want to be there.

Kent's POV:

In Kent's opinion, this was just about the worst possible thing they could be doing in that exact moment. He'd joined the nightshades at Divina's request, enticed by mentions of parties and fun, but, ever since he had joined, all anyone had done was make fun of him.

Kent hated being the dumb one. He knew he wasn't exactly smart, but still didn't like it. To make up for his lack of brains, Kent made an effort to be sociable. He just wished that people thought a little bit more before dismissing him.

The water of the lake had always felt slightly off. Maybe because it wasn't salt water. Whatever. It felt super weird to Kent, and he swore that all the shadows around him were Merrow snakes ready to pounce. Divina slowed ahead of him and signed to him.

Let's go different ways.

Are you crazy?

You'll be fine! See you in a few hours.

Divina swam off before Kent could do anything else. Sighing, Kent scoured the lake around him.

Time passed slowly underwater. Kent checked his watch. Half an hour before he could go back.

Kent began swimming back to shore. He pushed through a clump of kelp and stopped.


Floating in the water, a strand of Kelp attached to her ankle, was a young girl of about seven years. Her face was pale, and she appeared to be asleep, hair floating about her face. She wasn't breathing. Kent sighed.

Time to go.

Ok ik this is super bad, but I've actually been working on it all day. However, we went to the cinema to watch the new avatar movie.

And it's 3 and 1/2 hours long.

So yeah. Little time.

Celia ThorpeWhere stories live. Discover now