Visions of the past

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Another trigger warning- more domestic violence. Worse this time ;).

Wednesday POV:

Wednesday was standing in the entrance of a huge house. The floor was made of marble and everything about it screamed rich. Waiting at the bottom of the stairs were two faces she recognised. Celia and Xavier. Their heads down, hands clasped, they appeared to be waiting for someone. The door to the house slammed open. Celia visibly flinched.

A man Wednesday recognised as Vincent Thorpe stood in the doorway. Behind him was an icy woman and a man in police uniform. Vincent turned to the officer.

"Very sorry for your trouble, sir. I apologise. My children's actions will be dealt with."

Vincent handed the man a stack of crisp, $100 notes. The door shut. Vincent Thorpe walked towards with absolute fury in his eyes.

"Do you know how much trouble you put me in? Police concerned about child abuse. If I hadn't sorted it out, my career would be ruined. Whichever one of you made that call needs to be disciplined. If you own up now, maybe I'll go easier."

Both Xavier and Celia remained silent.

"No one? Then I guess both of you need to be punished!"

As Vincent lunged forwards, Celia spoke up.

"It was me. I made the call. I'm sorry."

Time seemed to slow. Wednesday could see in Celia's eyes that she thought she was going to die. Xavier looked at his sister in horror. Their parents eyes were frozen on Celia.

"Amalia, dear, please leave the room. Xavier, you can watch."

In horror, Xavier's eyes were glued to his sister. Vincent Thorpe walked slowly up to his daughter, who was quivering. Suddenly, his fist shot into her face. Celia let put a cry and Xavier flinched when he saw the blood on her head.

What happened next came so fast Wednesday had trouble keeping up. Fist after fist, kick after kick, Vincent kept attacking his daughter mercilessly. For five minutes, Wednesday watched in horror and disgust as Celia was beat over and over again. Blood was all over her. Celia's head was split open, and the attack began on her ribs. Soon, Celia was clawing for breath, blood dripping from her nose and mouth. Vincent Thorpe gave a last kick to her head, then left the room. Xavier came out of his trance and ran to his sister.

Celia was convulsing. She couldn't breath from the attack and from the tears streaming down her face. Using her last amount of energy, Celia turned to the side, coughing up clots of blood. Struggling to breathe and having lost so much blood, Celia went pale. Xavier sobbed as he tried to help.

"No, no don't! Stay awake, Celia. Celia! Do you hear me? Stay awake!! Please..."

The last thing Wednesday saw in her vision was Xavier holding his sister's still body, tears running from his eyes.

Soz, it's kinda gory. But now you know some more backstory. I'll try to avoid the mor triggering stuff throughout the majority of the book as it's been a tense few chapters, but the next chapter and a few towards the end include more violence/ EDs.

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