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Xavier walked very quickly up to Ophelia Hall. Celia could tell he was trying to avoid conversation.

"What a coincidence!! I'm rooming with your girlfriend!"

"And it will haunt me for the rest of my years," Xavier replied.

Celia giggled.

"This is going to be very interesting. When was the last time you spoke to her?"

Xavier paused and stopped walking.

"Look, she isn't my girlfriend. Actually. I haven't spoken to her since last term. I don't know what we are. But I do know that you won't be irritating about it or I will personally ensure that you don't live to see another day."

"I won't. I promise. Let's just keep going."

Xavier paused in front of a door at the top of the dorm house.

"Here we are." He knocked on the door.

Celia squinted at him.
"Are you fixing your hair?"

"Shut up."

The door swung open. A pair of blue eyes peered out.

"Hi Xavier! It's cool to see you again. Hello, Celia. It's nice to have another roommate."

Underneath her freckles, scar lines were still clearly visible on Enid's face.

"Hi. Are you Enid?"

"Yup. Come in, they've already set up your bed."

The dorm room was split in half- one half in black and white and the other bright and colourful. In the middle was a plain bed, desk and wardrobe. Sitting on the dark bed was a pale girl with raven-black hair, which was in braids. She glanced towards the door. She didn't smile, but her gaze seemed to lighten a little. Celia looked at her brother.

Yup, he was definitely blushing.

"Hello Celia. Xavier. It is good to see you." Celia did not fail to notice the prolonged eye contact.

Enid interrupted.

"Shall we show you around?"

"Sure. You coming, Wednesday?" Xavier asked.

"Why not. I would rather enjoy listening to Enid's sell-sales school pitch again. It's entertaining listening to her acute view of the world."

Enid didn't seem to notice the intended insult.

"This is the quad." Enid announced.

"It's a pentagon..." Celia replied.

Xavier laughed.
"It's called the quad because it's where all four houses meet and hang out."

"Well why didn't they make it square then?"

"That is exactly what I thought." Wednesday agreed.

Enid seemed annoyed that her flow had been interrupted.
"Anywho, the more important thing is the people. The four main cliques in Nevermore are the-"

"Fangs, the furs," Xavier said.

"Stoners and scales." Wednesday finished.

"Stop interrupting! This is important." Enid protested.

"Fangs are the Vampires. That is Yoko. She's pretty cool. Furs are werewolves, like me! Stoners are gorgons. Look, there's Ajax. Ajax!!"

One of the gorgons smiled and ran over. He kissed Enid.

"Hey Enid! Xavier, Celia. I remember you!"

"Uhh, from when?"

Xavier nudged her.
"Ajax came over last summer break, idiot."

"Ohh! Hi, Ajax!" Celia said.

Wednesday noticed something from the end of the quad.
"And here come the scales."

Walking towards them were Bianca, Kent and Divina.

"Hey. It's cool to see you all." Bianca said.

"Scales are sirens." Celia noted.

"And you must be Xavier's little sister."

"Emphasis on little." Xavier added.

Celia hit him again.
"You're Bianca, aren't you? It's nice to meet you."

"Yup. This is Divina, and this is Kent. Anyway, we'll catch you later. The sun's about to set and we want to swim."

"Kay. Bye!" Enid called as they left.
"Bianca is like school's royalty. Everybody practically worships her!"

"It's getting dark. We should go." Wednesday interrupted. She started towards Ophelia hall. Slowly, everybody left the quad. It was just Xavier and Celia left. Xavier turned to her.

"Something isn't right."

"What? How can you tell?"

"I don't know. I can feel it. With Wednesday. Bianca. I can't help feeling that there's something wrong."

"I don't know. Imma head to bed."

"Yup. You'll need your sleep tonight." Xavier grinned.

Celia looked at him suspiciously.
"What are you planning?"

"I'm not planning anything!" Xavier said innocently.

"Whatever. Goodnight."

Celia hugged him.


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