Dangers of a grudge

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The next morning arose. Dark clouds swirled across the sky, and water droplets shot down towards the ground. Deep, rumbling thunder boomed around Nevermore. All the students were grateful when lunch came around. Celia and Martha met with Enid, Wednesday, Xavier and Ajax outside the school. Burn marks from last term could still be seen on the lawn.

As the group of them slowly filed in from their separate classes, they all began talking and headed towards the quad to eat. Celia stopped in her tracks. Standing in front of her was Layla Ingam.


"Hi. Uhh, what are you doing here?"

"I just wanted to ask you a question."

Celia looked at Martha.

"Ok. Go ahead."

Layla smiled.
"Do you think it's a bad thing for the truth to be  concealed?"

"Well, yeah. I guess."

"Good." Layla stepped closer. "Then take off your jacket."

Celia's heart froze. Xavier walked over.
"What's going on?"
Layla showed them a photo on her phone.
"This is you, isn't it?"
It was them, sitting at the weathervane. Xavier had pulled down her sleeve, exposing bruises on her arm. The siblings looked at each other.

"What do you want, Layla? I haven't done anything to you."

Layla smiled.
"Revenge. I'm going to show my evidence to everyone, and your little secret will be out for everyone to see."

"Layla, are you insane? Do you know what my father would do to us if you continue with your absurd plan?"
Celia reasoned desperately.


Frozen in horror, neither Xavier nor Celia had time to react when Layla ripped off Celia's jacket. The majority of the school stared in shock at the bruises all over her. Layla began filming for more evidence. She was laughing. Celia stared at her with so much hate, she didn't know it was even possible to feel something like that.

Layla was still filming when Celia punched her in the face.

Wednesday and Xavier came at her next, both wanting to enact their revenge. Ajax had to pull Xavier away before Layla got seriously hurt. Vampire strength meant Celia and Wednesday had a harder time fighting her. Celia did something that she'd never done before.

She activated her power, but, instead of pushing it, she began pulling. Layla gasped in shock before falling to the ground, getting covered in mud. Walking up to her, Wednesday snatched her phone and stood on it.

They continued to walk to lunch.

I wrote this kinda quickly cause I'm super tired- probs only one today.

Celia ThorpeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin