All that we see

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By the time Celia and Wednesday had neared the lake, Enid had already awakened. She saw their retreating figures and immediately ran to wake Ajax. She grabbed a canoe and rowed out. Wednesday swam down and freed Celia before dragging her onto the canoe.

The three of them snuck back up through the window. Enid sat Celia down on her bed.

"We need to get that jacket off of you. You'll freeze."

Celia removed her jacket gladly, reaching for another one. She stopped.

Both Wednesday and Enid were staring at her arms.

Celia hurriedly shrugged on her other jacket.

Enid passed her a towel. Celia began drying her hair. Part of her couldn't process what had happened. She felt safe in the dorm, but Celia knew that she had been very, very close to being very, very dead. Enid left the room briefly. Once the door clicked shut, Wednesday turned to her.

"Look, I am very sorry. I can't remember much- one second I was leaving the room, then I was suddenly entering the lake, and then you weren't there. I really am sorry, Celia."

"It's cool. I'm very much not dead. Uhh, what do you mean you can't remember much?"

Wednesday's face changed into what may have been a frown.

"I'm not sure. It's been happening a lot. It's like I wake up somewhere else."

Celia was about to reply when something tapped on her leg.

"Jesus Christ! What is that?"

A disembodied hand was holding another towel.

"That's thing. No one knows where the rest of him is. He's friendly."

Celia hesitantly took the towel. Enid bounded back into the room.

"I have snacks!! I don't feel like sleeping after that, so I thought we should eat, maybe go on TikTok?"

"I am quite hungry," Celia admitted.

They ate snacks and talked for another two hours. Celia was finally dry, and slowly let go of the terror that she had been holding on to. Enid was brilliant at cheering people up.

Wednesday was the most emotive that Celia had ever seen her. She stood silently, facing the wall. She was obviously troubled by the blackouts. Thing was perched on her shoulder, seemingly comforting her.

It was nearly four in the morning when the door to their dorm slammed open. Xavier stood in the doorway.

"What the hell? Wednesday, why would you do that?"

Enid looked at Celia.

"Why did you take my sister down to the lake when you knew that there was potentially a sea serpent in there?"

"Potentially. I wasn't certain."

"That's besides the point! I'm fed up with this, Wednesday. I gave you another chance, after last term, and you wasted it again! You'd put anyone in danger, regardless of the consequences. I'm sick of it."

Celia stood up.

"Wait, wait. Xavier, I asked to go. It's not Wednesday's fault! She tried to stop me. And she still saved my life."

"Doesn't change the fact that she's the reason you were in danger in the first place!"

"Look, it's not her fault! Don't have a go at Wednesday. Why can't you accept that I made my own decision? I'm allowed to have a life of my own, Xavier. You don't control me!"

Xavier stopped. He turned and walked out the dorm.

"Oh, that came out wrong. I'll go talk to him. Just wait here." Celia followed her brother put the room, leaving Enid and Wednesday in silence.

I was super excited to write the next part- I hope it actually goes well. Thanks for you support with my book- you reading it means so much to me!

Celia Thorpeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن