Parents weekend

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Trigger warning- domestic violence. If you find this disturbing, please skip the chapter.

Celia stood in the top area of the quad. Running her hand over the blackened stone, she watched the scene unfold underneath her. Chattering students and parents were hugging and happily reuniting. Next to her, Enid and Wednesday were also watching with faces of disdain.

"How long do you think we can get away with from seeing our families?" Enid asked Wednesday.

"Not too much longer. Best to get it over and done with."

"Eat the blue frog first." Celia said.

"Blue frogs are normally poisonous." Wednesday replied.

"That held so much meaning; figuratively and literally." Enid stated.

"She has a point though. We should go." Wednesday started towards the stairs, and Enid scampered after her. Martha waved at Celia from next to the fountain. Celia smiled and waved back. Behind her, Xavier said,

"No sign of them?"

"Thankfully not."

"Yeah. Thought that they'd bother coming this time though- after that huge donation."

Celia opened her mouth to respond, when another couple walked into the quad.

"Oh shit."

"No way. They showed up!" Xavier exclaimed.

"The way you said it made it sound like a good thing."

Amalia and Vincent Thorpe were facing away from the stairs. Xavier began to walk towards them, when he noticed his sister lingering in the last step.

"Celia? Come on, we can't hide forever."

"I can't do it."


"I can't do it, Xavier! Please, don't make me! Not after last summer."

Xavier's face softened.

"We have no choice. I'm sorry, Ci-ci."

The two of them walked up to their parents.

"Hello Mother, hello Father." They turned around.
"Ah, Xavier!" Vincent said. He ignored Celia.

"Daughter, you're looking pale. You must remember to wear more makeup! It's unbecoming. Your hairstyle is different too. I don't recall permitting any change." Amalia Thorpe always knew exactly how to make Celia feel worthless.

"Hello, Mother." Celia said quietly. She glanced at Xavier. He could tell that he was being reprimanded for making her meet with them.

"I was planning on taking a trip into Jericho. We're only here for a day. We should spend some time together." Vincent said.

"A lovely idea, darling." Amalia said. Vincent walked up front with Xavier behind. Celia made to walk next to her brother, but one icy look from her mother made her quail. She walked at the back.

The family was sitting at the weathervane in uncomfortable silence. Celia was sipping at her drink.

"Celia. Have you asked how many calories that thing contains?" Amalia asked.

"It- not too many, I mean-"

"No, of course you didn't." Amalia said with a sigh. Celia pushed her drink away from her. Xavier's eyes were on the table. Their father was smiling and talking with excited fans. He had begun signing pictures when their mother said,

"Vincent, dear, maybe we should go for a walk? It is a beautiful town."

"I think that sounds marvellous."

Once again, Celia was at the back of their trail. Xavier kept his head down ahead of her. Every so often he looked back at her. Celia was so preoccupied by her thoughts that she didn't notice anything.

They'd been walking for a while when Celia finally noticed that the street they were on was deserted. Buildings clouded the sky, and the path curved in such a way that only a glimmer of light was visible at each end. Vincent Thorpe turned to his children.

"What's been going on?"

Xavier and Celia looked to each other.

"What do you mean? We haven't done anything this term?" Xavier replied.

"Cut the crap. I hear stuff. Monsters, serpents and my disgrace of a daughter getting into trouble."

"I barely did anything!" Celia protested.

"You will speak when spoken to!" Their father growled. Celia took a step backwards. She was scared. When Vincent Thorpe got angry, he was a very different person to the one people saw on TV.

"You displayed your power without my explicit permission, to save a normie. It is disgraceful! And Xavier! I've heard all about you and that girl, Wednesday. I have my sources. Kissing an Addams! You do me wrong."

Celia glanced at her brother in surprise. He kissed Wednesday? And he was still alive? Normally, Celia would have teased him for this, but then she looked at her family's faces.

Amalia was icy, staring at Celia as if her gaze may provoke her into losing more weight.

Vincent was going slowly red with rage.

And Xavier looked completely defeated. It was as if the weight of the world was settled on his shoulders.

Defying all the rules she had grown up with, all fears and all caution, Celia did what she never thought she would be able to do.

She spoke.

"You can't shame Xavier. Not anymore. This is his life! We're not possessions. I won't let you control me or him anymore."


Celia stared into her father's eyes. He was completely consumed by rage. Fear pulsed through her as he approached her slowly. Celia took a few steps back until she hit the wall.

"You.. dare.. talk back to me? You are no more significant than an animal to me. Do you know how people deal with animals? Do you know, Celia Thorpe?"

Celia tried her hardest to keep from trembling.

"You beat them."

Vincent Thorpe grabbed her forearms. He squeezed them until Celia knew that they would be covered in bruises. Tears filled her eyes, but she only started crying when her father hit her in the face. The first punch was to her cheek. The next to her nose, and then the next to her mouth. Celia felt blood trickle down her face.

Xavier was screaming at him to stop. Celia was crying, tears streaming down her face. Vincent slapped Xavier so hard he fell to the ground.

Celia sank down the wall as the onslaught of fists and kicks came at her. When her father's hands found her throat, Celia thought that she was going to die. Surprisingly, her mother stopped him.

"Vincent, dear, we are meant to go to the lunch in a few minutes. It will be noticed if Celia is absent."

As her father released her throat, Celia stared into his eyes. When she saw no remorse, Celia looked away. Xavier ran to help her up. He wrapped his arms around his sister.

"It's ok. You're ok. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. You're safe now. I promise."

Celia hated that she didn't believe him.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, or know someone who may be, please contact local authorities. If you need to talk about anything, my comment section is always open :))

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