Zìvu's eyes softened even more, gazing at his mate with love as he took the small baby from Rayi's hands, holding her out- repeating her name softly under his breath.

Rayi watched the moment with love, tail curled around her mates as she watched Zìvu grab the soft exposed pink queue on the baby's upper part of the skull- then black hair not long enough to provide protection to the delicate part.

Tendrils appeared from the soft pink queue, moving around in an almost curious movement as it was pushed closer to the hanging pink of the tree of souls.

The soft peaches fuzz worm like tendrils reached out to the trees 'leafs' urning to connect as finally, they connected. The tendrils wrapping around tightly.

The baby's giggles seized for a moment- her mouth going wide and eyes widening as the bond was made. Her yellow eyes closed for a moment before reopening, pupils growing as a reaction- covering some of the yellow of her eyes.

Rayi let her mouth go wide- a smile stretching out as she gazed at her softly giggling baby. "Tsaheylu is made." She said, voice soft and breathy as she placed her hand on her mates bare bicep.

  FEET PATTERED against the wooden branches- reaching out as far as you could see, covered in moss and giant leaves.

A giggle rang through the trees, and small blue feet came into view. Moments later a young Na'vi ran out, dodging the leaves.

Ears to big for their head, tail flicking clumsy, matching the steeps it took. Another giggle escaped the Na'vi. Dark blue skin, small dots of white covering her like freckles.

A headpiece woven with the fibers of the luminous Hometree leaves, draped softly around her head with a soft, small luminescent bead in the middle. Tail wrapped in soft vine fibers wrapped with leather at the base and down of her tail. Her top was simple, vine decorated with Dreamweaver plant fibers. And a loin cloth mixed with the delicate flowers of the Moonflower.

Her steps were wobbly, uneven and messy as she wobbled around- giggling and letting out small screams as she kept looking behind her at her father who chased her slowly, hissing as if he was a monster coming to her her.

Her mother watched, delighted as her tail flicked slowly. A sign of content. She blinked slowly- eyes soft as she smiled. Her fingers delicate as they wove the fibers to make another basket.

"Run my little 'Evi!" She played along as her daughter squealed, running up to her mother with wide eyes. Ka'yi clutched her mother- gasping as she hid behind Rayi with a hiss at her father.

Her father bend down with a loud laugh, grasping the space between her arms and body to lift her up- tossing the young Na'vi in the air as she squealed and gasped for breath as she laughed to much- her tail moving quickly behind her, almost shaking her butt.

"Zìvu." Rayi gasped, a warning tone as she saw her mate holding Ka'yi by her ankles, the child in question squealing in delight. "She is fine, she is tough." Zìvu rolled his eyes playfully, tossing his daughter once more, heart swelling at the loud high pitched laugh that left the child.

He set Ka'yi down, letting the child run with giggles- not caring how many times she fell from tripping on her own tail.

"Ma'Rayi." Zìvu sighed, a content look on his face as he set his chin onto his mates shoulder, rubbing her waist as he smiled happily.

"Ma'Zìvu." Rayi responded, voice just as soft and her body automatically leaning back into the warmth and comfort of her mate. Zìvu went to speak before a tug on his tail made him look back in fake pain.

His daughter hissed playfully, jumping on her father and squealing when she was easily thrown in the air before landing safely in her father's arms.

Her stomach was attacked, tickles making her squeal and squirm, not caring about the other Na'vi around. "Papa!" She gasped, trying to push his hands off with giggles.

   TWO BLUE blurs ran around Kelutral, the light peaking through the leaves of the healthy and large tree- home to many Na'vi.

Hissing sounds came from the blobs as they rolled around on the grass below, the green blurring with blue. Tails whipped, a hand shot out and grabbed the other tail. A whined hiss came from the boy as he shot back, lowering himself to the ground.

A bow lay abandoned to the side, an arrow poking out of an innocent plant to the side, completely missing the painted target on the tree.

Ka'yi stood up- scowling at the boy who still held his tail with a scowl. "Nì'ul kame tskxe." She insulted with a roll of her eyes, sticking her tongue out at the male. (A stone sees more)

Tsu'tey stood, growling as her rolled his eyes. Pushing past her her grabbed the boy- huffing in anger. "Slu muntxa ngahu." He muttered, accent rolling smoothly off his tongue as he spoke. (Become mated with yourself.)

Ka'yi smacked the back of his head with her hand, stealing the bow back and flicking him with her tail. "Oeyä txìm sì ngayä meseyri le'ampi sìyi." She sasses back, waking to the plant and removing the large arrow for it. ((Means kiss my ass, literal meaning is My butt your lips touching do.)

"You can't even shoot, you baby." Ka'yi retorted with a small hiss to prove her point. Tsu'tey huffed once more, tail flicking in annoyance at the girl.

Another voice entered, a strong female voice as she strolled up to the other two, her tail flicking and her lips pursed. "You to are both like baby."

"Ah! Neytiri." Ka'yi smiled, pushing Tsu'tey out of the way to hug her practical sister.

"Oel ngati kameie."

"Oel ngati kameie."

They both spoke at the same time, fingers pressing to there head before letting them down with open fingers.

"This Skxawng." Ka'yi paused to take an unwilling Tsu'tey by the neck- putting him in a sort of chokehold. "Cannot shoot, shot the plant." She spoke, her accent rolling of her tounge like silk.

Tsu'tey pushed her off- trying not to let a small, barely there smile slip passed. Even if he wasn't acting like it- they were never truly mad at each other.

Neytiri laughed at the two, her beads clicking together once she shook her head- waving them off with three fingers as she chuckled softly while walking away.

"She is always busy." Tsu'tey complained once Neytiri left. Ka'yi shook her head, short hair hitting her face softly.

"She is collecting for tsahík."


- A re-write to this chapter, hopping to get into some of Ka'yis family and interactions. Hoping to get more into her backstory and work on the book more with re-writing.

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