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Doctor James Game: "Hey what is going on."

Drake: "I don't know when the boys came in Ava breathing was going fast."

Doctor Balowe: "Umm can you all leave the room for a bit please."

Drake: "Of course please just let us know when we can come in."

Doctor James Game "Of course I can."

Doctor Balowe: "Thank you."

Doctor James Game: "Ava I need you to copy my breathing please.. just like that.. there you go.. good job Ava."

Doctor Balowe: "Honey can you write for us what happened and why were you breaking like that for."

Ava: "A."

Doctor James Game: "Oh right you can't talk here you ho Ava."

Doctor Balowe: "Ava can I check your heart now."

Talker: "Ava nod her head as a yes she is really scared but she can't talk to your dad because she knows that he will be upset and also because he be become friends with their parents she does not know what to do doctor James Game knows that Ava is scared so much and he also know that she is really think hard on his but she does not know why like that for."

Doctor Balowe: "Ok your heart is good but if you keep on being stressed it is not good for you Ava and I know you don't want anything to happen your heart do you."

Talker: "She shoot her but she knows that she can't do anything like at all but what is she depose to do like really like what."

Doctor James Game: "So Ava here is a paper and pen can you please write down for us what happened."

Talker: "She really can't tell him or anyone at all because she does not know what will happen so she shoot her head because she does not want to write it at all because she does not want the boys to get into trouble even after what they did to her but she just couldn't do it to Thomas like at all."

Doctor Balowe: "Ava if you don't write it down we can't help you and you will need to us tell us why were you like this please."

Ava: I am so sorry but I can't like I really can't

Doctor Jane Game: "Ok Ava don't worry you do not have to but it would be batter for all of us if you would Ava let us know when you do want to tell us ok Ava."

Ava: Ok thank you and I am sure that I do not want to tell you guys now

Doctor James Game: "Ok honey we will go now..hey umm can we all go inside now."

Doctor Balowe: "Yeah you can buy please remember that Ava just got a new heart and that she could not stress out or else something will happen to her heart."

Drake: "Ok thank you doctor.. Ava honey what happen."

Ava: Don't worry dad hi I am Ava and you guys are and I already know your sons.

Maggie: "Hi honey my name is Maggie and this is my husband Mohmeh."

Ava: Nice to meet you guys

Maggie and Monmeh: "Nice to meet you too honey."

Maggie: "So we are here because my boys are going to take care of you."

Talker: "Ava is like what now they are going to look after me oh no this can't happen but it is now what is going to happened to her oh no she need to do something but like what she can't tell her dad or the doctors and if she does then what will happen to the sons or to her dad.

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