Eternal path 6

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"Fine just make it stop cause I'm literally going to rip the skin of my arms." I said as he pulled out a syringe and a small bottle from the pharmacy bag. "Okay stand up,turn around and pull down your pants." he said smiling and I rolled my eyes. Of course he was enjoying this. "Sometimes I hate you." I said as I stood up and turned around slightly pulling down my shorts just revealing my upper butte. "You love me." he said. "Okay lean a little bit forward with your hands on the table and take a deep breath when I tell you." he said as I did what he said. I felt the wipe on my butt and Luke pinch the part where he wanted to do the shot. "Okay deep breath" he said and I took a deep breath as I felt the needle going in. "Ow! Take it out!" I said as I heard laughter behind me.

"Just 3 seconds left hold on" Dylan said and groaned against. "Okay all done" he said as I felt him out a cotton on the spot. "Jeez these butt shots hurt more than the normal ones." I said as Dylan put a bandage on the spot and lifted my pants back. "Yeah they do." he said still laughing at me as I rolled my eyes. "What great doctors you are laughing at my pain" I said to all of them as they all laughed. "You should have seen your face when you said 'take it out' "Greg said and they all laughed again.

"Okay I'm out, Goodnight dickheads." I said as I went to leave. "Okay okay sorry! Sorry!" They all said as they hugged me. "Sometimes I wonder why I'm still friends with you" I said sarcastically as they hugged me. "You love us and we are fun as fuck that's why." Liam said and I scoffed while smiling. They are right though I do love them and honestly they can be pretty fun sometimes.

Trigger warning: abuse, strong language


The next morning I woke up and thank god whatever allergic reaction I had was gone. Today was a day off for the teacher and the kids so I was really happy I had a day to relax and do things for myself. I had an appointment for a spa day and my nails and then I was going to buy some things for the apartment since we still had some things to add. I took a bath and I got dressed in some blue mom jeans and a white shirt with my white vans."Good morning dickheads." I said as I walked in the kitchen where the guys were having breakfast.

"Good morning Leila." Liam said. "Good morning Leilaie how's your arms?" Con asked and I lifted my arms up to show him that they were fine. "Good how's your ass?" Greg asked and they all laughed as I rolled my eyes. "Ha ha you're so funny, you know I really wanna see you guys have someone stick a needle to your butt cheek." I said as I grabbed a bowl to pour my cereal in. "Well what a shame isn't it?" Dylan said as they still laughed.

"My ass is great btw as it is every day thanks for asking" I said answering Grge question. "Today is your day off?" Liam asked and I nodded as I ate my cereal. "Yep I'm going for a self care day." I said and they all looked at me with confusions."You know spa, nails, hair those kind of things" I said and they all said light 'oh's'. "We'll have fun the." Ashton said. "Thank you I will." I said back. "Well I have patients and surgeries to catch up to so I better get going." Luke said as he stood up.

"Yeah we're coming with you our shifts start in a bit." Con said as they all stood up. "Have a nice day kids." I said and they all chuckle. "Bye Leila!" They all said as they left. Let the day begin. After I had breakfast I grabbed my keys and my bag and I got into my car so that I could go to the nail salon. I love treating myself and making myself look pretty not because of the men but because I loved feeling nice and cute. I drove to the nail salon while I listened to the radio. When I arrived I went inside and after waiting for about 10 minutes I sat down on the chair to do my nails.

I did a baby pink colour since I always found it simple and elegant. After that I had my appointment at the spa and my skincare and it was the most relaxing time I had in a lot of time. As I left the spa I felt completely renewed and I was ready to go home for some lunch since I was starving by the time I finished. As I exited the spa though I saw something that made me freeze in my place. Or should I say someone. "Jack what are you doing here?" I said as he stood besides my car once again. "I see you got all dolled up for me huh?" Jackson said to me with a smirk.

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