Brave path 8

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We all turned to face the stairs where Rebecca was standing. She had a hand across her body with the other rubbing her eyes exhaustedly. "I'll be up in a second hun." Parker smiled sympathetically and Jayken ran up the stairs to her. I carefully made the hot water bottle and followed Jayken upstairs. Rebecca was quite relaxed in his arms, unlike before, and I couldn't help but smile. "Here you go, if you need anything you can just shout at us." I said, giving her the hot water bottle.

"Thank you."

Exhausted myself, I got settled down in bed too. Not only was I exhausted from work, but also the constant battle with worry about Rebecca. The next day, she woke up early, wanting to go to school. We all knew she could do with staying off, and she only wanted to go because she couldn't bear to miss anything else.

"Rebecca, you look sick and I don't really want you going to school." Jayekn said.

"Robert? Elliot?"

She looked up at us desperately, her fists clenching. I watched as she turned away from us, stomping upstairs.

"You ruin everything." She shouted.


"Just shut up. You ruin everything."

"We need to go to work, you're going to spend the day in Parker's office."

She groaned and pushed past us all instead, heading for the car. I rolled my eyes and followed.

"She woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Robert muttered.

"I don't know if she woke up at all," Jayken said, looking over to her as she climbed into the back. I sat on the opposite side to her while Jayken and Robert were in the front; Parker was already at work. We all entered the hospital.

"I'll take you to Parker's office, I'll meet you guys soon." I rested my hand on Rebecca's back as we walked through the hospital.

"I'm sorry." She said, clearly annoyed with herself.

"It's ok, you just need a break otherwise school will not help you at all."

"But it's not ok. Not everything I do is ok, and you always tell me it is, but it isn't Elliot. I shouldn't have said it."

"It's what happens Rebecca, and you've been the bigger person and apologised. Don't stress about it, please." I begged, opening the door to Parker's office.

"Ok, I won't." She mumbled before hugging me tightly.

"Spend the day relaxing, watch some Netflix or sleeping."

"Will do."

I didn't manage to nap on Wednesday. Everything I tried, failed. Parker's voice didn't calm me down. Music didn't calm me down. Netflix didn't calm me down. Nothing calmed my mind and I felt so trapped. At home, I barely ate our tea, and ended up in my room. Alone. After what I'd said to them, I couldn't bear being in a room with them because the guilt was eating me alive. What I said was wrong- mum would be disappointed. I missed her so much. I missed her company, even though she couldn't move or talk. She'd be disappointed in me. Even in my sleep it was haunting me. On Thursday, they made me do the same thing again. I fell asleep in Parker's office for practically the whole day, which was a nice change. However, it could only last so long because it was my turn on the chair.

"Emily, do you want to come through now?" Parker said softly, crouching in front of me. I yawned and rubbed my eyes, leaning towards him as he scratched my head.

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