Brace path 17

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I nodded and dried my eyes, jumping when someone knocked on the door. James peeked his head round, smiling lightly. I patted the bed next to me and he closed the door, sitting next to me.

"You are not a horrible person Rebecca, never think that." Jayken said, sounding broken.

"I love you Jayken, I love you so much."

"I love you too Rebecca. The moment this happens again I want you to call one of us or tell one of them ok? Goodnight."

The chat ended and I laid down, facing James. He sat up, just holding my hand. Everyone else piled into the room, somehow engulfing me into a massive hug and fitting on the bed.

"You're safe with us sweetheart, we promise."

4 days later

Living with the boys proved to be quite fun and although I still missed everyone, it was becoming bearable. Most things nowadays were just bearable. Tomorrow, I was having the fluid drained before starting my last round of chemo, since the immunotherapy medicine wasn't ready yet.

"Rebecca, are you ready?" James called, making me grab my water bottle.

We were going to the gym together -with Thomas- to try and strengthen my body back up. For now it was just walking on the treadmill which was hard enough for me. I got in the car with them, struggling to do my seatbelt up.

"Why are you shaking?" Thomas asked, squeezing my hand quickly before starting to drive.

"Everyone's gonna stare at me. I have no hair and I'm just walking on a treadmill, which will no doubt make me struggle to breathe." I mumbled.

"Let them stare. Don't allow a stranger you see at the gym have this much of an effect on you hun, you're beautiful."

I shrugged and looked out the window, watching everyone shopping. For the past year, I hadn't really gone out anywhere other than the hospital. I was either there to see mum, or there for myself. We parked up and climbed out, hit by the cold air. At home, it would be coming up to summer and it completely threw me off. Thomas wrapped his arm around me, trying to make me walk as fast as possible.

"You go between us, how fast are we feeling today?" James said, slotting my water bottle into the holder and letting me climb on.

"Just... normal, please." He set it up and I plugged my headphones in, starting to walk. They were both running beside me and I was envious. I'd never be able to do that. Less than 10 minutes in, I couldn't do any more. Thomas brought himself down for a walk, looking at me.

"That was good, you've never done it that long on that speed before without stopping." He said, smiling.

"It... wasn't."

"Deep breaths."

I nodded and closed my eyes, catching my breath. James also slowed down, turning both the treadmills off. "It wasn't that fast." I continued, looking at Thomas. A couple of girls walked past us, laughing and staring at me. That's why I didn't go in public. What else would we be looking at?

"It might not be fast for us, but that's a massive improvement from when you arrived. You couldn't even walk properly on your own." Thomas said, giving me my water.

All I could think about were those girls. I already felt like a joke, like I was being pathetic, and now I felt even more paranoid.

"Remember, ignore them." James said softly, taking my hand. They were still staring at me.

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