Brave path 24

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"When we grew up, she was this bubbly, energetic person that simply couldn't shut her mouth. I remember hearing about a dog she'd seen on the street for a solid half an hour. I also remember her telling me her hopes and dreams in life... she had so many. A lot of you here were just classmates and friends of the family, but let me assure you- there were a lot." He laughed a little, looking up at me. "I don't think you knew this Jayken, but from the day she met you, she wanted to be like you. She wanted to save peoples lives, tell funny stories, put the needles in with no pain. Gosh, she never shut up about you guys. You were her heroes and I know she is up there right now feeling guilty that she never thanked you enough. I also know that she wants you to continue being the heroes you are and save more lives, even if she lost her own. You did a pretty damn good job at it."

It's crazy to hear how much impact you can have on people without knowing. I wondered if she knew what she did for me.

"To be completely honest, I don't know what I'm gonna do now. I don't know how im gonna be ok. She was and always will be the best friend anyone could ever ask for and I will admire her strength forever. I wish we could've made more memories, I wish I could give her a big hug right now... but I can't. That's the hardest thing I think, knowing that I will never spend another minute with her. You were so beautiful and you never got to see that for yourself, I love you Rebecca."

His eyes were welling up by the end and he came over to us, hugging his mum tightly. I still managed to love this girl more and more every day. It was Parkere's turn to talk. Drake's speech had hit Elliot hard but we were holding it together. Barely.

"The day I met Rebecca, she was terrified of me. I'm pretty sure everyone hates the dentist. She'd already been diagnosed with cancer but I decided to not look at her as the sick girl, she enjoyed that. I was always told by her that my presence relaxed her but I don't think I could've been like that without her."

Robert grabbed Ellito's hand as we stood listening. Luke was almost in tears himself.

"When I first met Rebecca, she was quiet. She was anxious, scared... and you could clearly see it. But put her with the right people and she was a different person. Until recently, I only got the pleasure of seeing her every few months and during those times I was...well drilling her mouth but I also took extra time to talk. Make sure you talk to your loved ones- please. Don't take it for granted. As you would expect, the past couple of months have been awful. She was separated from us then came back extremely sick... however I agree with Drake. I've never met someone with so much strength and I admire her. She taught us all so much. I could spend my whole life talking to therapists and friends and still wouldn't know how to cope. She was the most special person to me. I want her back, I want her to hug me and tell me she's had the best day ever. I want to come home and see her and Elliot cuddling on the sofa or laughing with Robert as some stupid cat video. I want to see her turning to Jayken for her worries or for her and Drake to watch another movie. I miss her presence so much."

His voice was cracking and a tear slid down his cheek.

"I couldn't have asked for anyone better in my life, I love you."

I stepped forward and hugged him tightly before taking his place, surprising him and the others.

"I have nothing prepared. Rebecca's death hit me hard and I'm ashamed by how poorly I have reacted. I'm sorry guys, for leaving you alone when we needed each other most, She was an extraordinary person. As we've established, she was very sick. It was her third time round so she struggled to have her treatment and get through the next days. She lost her mum and that broke her. She was terrified that the same would happen to her and it did... but out of all of us, she was the strongest. The only time I saw her break down was right before she died." Elliot stepped up and kept his arm round my shoulder, Robert, Parker and Drake joining. "She was quite persistent about staying. Her body had shut down but she refused to go. I'm not going to sugar coat it, she didn't really get to live. Such small things that she never got to do like take an exam in a hall, or go to birthday parties or even have birthday parties. In fact, she spent her 8th one with us all in hospital and she would've turned 15 next week. She has big plans for that when she was younger. Before the hope started to run out. However, she managed to find joy in the smallest of things like a teddy bear or dad jokes." I clenched my hand into a fist to try and stop myself from shaking but it was no use. My eyes flickered towards Elliot and he carried on.

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