Brave path 18

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"You've done so well, I'm so proud of you." He whispered, kissing my head. He rocked us back and forth for a few minutes until I calmed down.

"How are you guys here, it's a school term." I asked, waiting for someone to help me up.

"A lot of convincing and well... it's no secret that I'm not coping well." Drake mumbled, awkwardly helping me to my feet. I leant against the counter and took a deep breath.

"Come to my room," I said, holding Drake's hand and reaching out for Jayken's. I took them to my room and sat on the bed, wrapping a cover round myself. "You've been up to a lot while I was gone." I smiled, resting on Jayken's chest. He traced small patterns on my arm and I felt relaxed again. Just being in there presence after so much had happened was like a dream.

"Just trying to get our mind off things. Right now, let's focus on this... and go and get something to eat."

"I agree." Drake said, standing up and leaving.

"We're going to make this week the best one you've ever had." I changed into jeans and slipped a beanie over my head. It was cold anyway.

"You ready to go?" Jayken asked, zipping his coat up and standing with Drake. I nodded and grabbed my phone.

We drove to town, somehow avoiding the Christmas traffic, and parked just outside town. I linked arms with Drake as we headed into the centre. It scared me. The thought of people staring at me was awful, and I already relied on Drake to help me walk. It was only November but the Christmas decorations were already up -and it was packed. "I've not been out yet." I said, looking at the buildings that loomed over us. Someone pushed into my shoulder and almost sent me toppling over. Jayken decided to walk the other side of me.

"Well I've heard it's been quite busy and that you've been tired."

I nodded and shifted some of my weight into him as we walked round. The lights were actually quite pretty and all the shops had their Christmas decorations up. Drake unlinked our arms and held my hand instead as we walked into a clothes shop.

"Do you two want to go off? Pick a few things that you want." Jayken smiled, kissing my cheek. I nodded and smiled back.

"Ok, we'll meet back here in twenty minutes?" Drake suggested.

"Sounds good, just don't make me spend all my travel money."

We went separate directions, Drake making sure I was close to him as we weaved in and out of people. I stopped at a display of beanies; mine was old and I wanted a nicer one.

"Why don't you take yours off? It's really hot in here." He said, dramatically fanning himself.

"Because I don't need to."

He picked a light blue beanie from the rack and grinned, proudly handing it to me.

"This one, it goes with your eyes- try it on."

I shook my head and took it from him, walking towards the jumpers. There wasn't really any need for them back home, but here, it was freezing.

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