Brave path 21

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"I think I'm gonna be sick again." I cried, Matt quickly handing me a sick bowl. Elliot rubbed my back, and Robert made sure my cover stayed round my shoulders.
I'd said that sentence so many times. I'd had this treatment so many times.

"Deep breaths." Noah reminded.

I squeezed my eyes shut and leant back, finding Elliot's hand. This time round, my head was pounding and I felt dizzy. As Louis said, I took deep breaths, but it didn't do much. Someone took my blood pressure, humming with dismay.

"Are you feeling dizzy?" Thomas asked, making me nod.

"My head hurts and just everything." I whined, starting to cough. Robert gently rubbed my back while Matt took deep breaths for me to follow.

"We're gonna give you something for that, ok? Do you think you can go to sleep?"


"Come on, I'm sure you can." Robert said, someone pulling the duvet over me.

I felt something cold on my arm, followed by a sharp scratch. "Owwww," I groaned, beginning to cry.

"I know everything hurts, just relax." Elliot said, kissing my forehead gently. I shook my head and opened my eyes, looking over at him. "I know you're tired."

"I'm not,"

"You couldn't even count down from ten if you tried."

"Yes I... I could." I yawned, pouting at him. "10,9,8"- Accidentally, I hit someone as I woke up.

"Hey beautiful." Parker chimed, carefully squeezing my cheeks together. I smiled and lightly pushed him off. There were other people in the room- they were whispering.

"In three weeks, this round of treatment ends. If nothing's improved then we will have to take her off."

"Can't they extend it. What if it just takes some time?"

"Trust me, I've been in and out every single day trying to do that. They're not budging."

"So what do we do after, just leave her to."- "don't listen to them."

Elliot sounded furious.Parker turned me over and held my body close to him, putting something on Netflix. But I couldn't help but think about what they were saying. I just had to wait for the cancer to take over. "Parker."

"I know." He said quietly, kissing my forehead.

After tea, the two of us got ready for bed and crashed while watching Netflix again. Elliot and Robert had gone for a meeting at the hospital. I hated it, that they were talking about me while I wasn't there. This was my body but I didn't make decisions. I didn't even get to hear what they were saying. With the cancer, I already felt out of control. Now I didn't even know what control was. It kept me up, until my body couldn't take any more.

"Rebecca, we need to get breakfast." Parker said, rubbing my shoulders to wake me up.

"I'm not hungry."

"You need the food. It will make you stronger."

I knew it would hit him hard. The other three were still in an angry state because they were in charge of sorting out my treatment, whereas Luke had gotten past it. He didn't want to accept it. We were like family, after all. I sighed and sat up, leaning into him. "I feel better than yesterday." I mumbled, looking at the bag of clothes on the floor. All I needed to do was slip a hoodie and shoes on. "Where are the other two?"

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