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Lewis point of view

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Lewis point of view

Once I let everyone in my house I went to the kitchen it look like I need help with the snack. "Who want to help me with the snacks and popcorn."

"I can help you if you want Lewis."

"Of course Anastasia thank you for helping." Once I told her yes she came into the kitchen we got the snacks and popcorn ready then we bought it to the living room. "Thanks for the help Anastasia."

"Anytime Lewis I am happy to be helping you."

"So did you get the show or did you get something else?"

"Haha of course I got it I didn't want to get it but I did."

"Umm guys should we call Mr Johnson he is not here yet."

"I think that is the best idea who would call him."

"I think I would."

Ring ring ring

Mr Johnson:
"Hello Lewis."

"Mr Johnson are you ok your way everyone is here we are just waiting on you."

Mr Johnson:
"Well umm I kind of forgot I will be there soon I am so sorry."

"Don't be Mr Johnson you are a busy man and we understand that don't worry."

Me Johnson:
"Thank you so much I will see you in 20 do you mind if you sent me your address."

"Of course I will." After I did I made sure that he got it and he did.

"Hey Jake this is your baby sister."

Anastasia said with her head is on my shoulder she looks so cute not in a couple wag  like my daughter which she is not.

"Yeah she is we name her Zoe."

"Hi Zoe I am Anastasia it is nice to meet you would you like to know something."

She nod her head and she is scared why she doesn't have to be scared of us.

"Your brother Jake is going to be so mad do you like to see him mad."

She laughed a bit and nod her head she is going to warm up to us a bit I can tell.

"I knew that will make you laugh you are so cute do you know that."

She hides in Jake chest because she is little bit embarrassed.

"Aww sweetie I am sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you are you scared of us sweetie you do not have to be have to be we all kind people well sometimes."

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