Brave path 10

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"The seating is rather comfy, let me just get a good view." I dropped my head onto his stomach, making him grunt and start chuckling. "This motivational speaker didn't invite anyone to drop an elephant on top of him." "I'm not an elephant, I'm a hippo. Get it right please." I said, huffing and turning over.

"My mistake."

"I guess it's hard to see through your lion mane of hair... you need a haircut."

"I like my hair though."

"And you're the only one."

"Don't lie, I know you like my long hair. You just want all the curls I have."

"And you want all my beauty but I guess we can't always get what we want."

"Are you saying I'm ugly?"

"No but I'm prettier." I grinned, jumping as he wrapped his arms round me. "Sorry."

"It's ok." He laughed, "You're just very tired, and missing the old days ay? Why don't you have a nap while I talk to Elliot?"

I whined and cuddled into him, not wanting him to leave.

"Come on, I'll be as quick as possible. If I'm not back in ten minutes shout me."

As soon as she was warm and comfy, I left and went downstairs. Robert ran through to the living room with Jayken as I sat next to Elliot.

"Is she ok?" Jayken asked, his leg bouncing up and down.

"She is now... why didn't you just tell her? That's what she is angry about, you know. She isn't clueless."

"I know, I just didn't want to confirm anything without the tests. She looked so frightened, and I didn't want to stress her out more well... how bad is it looking? Truthfully."

"I've sent everything to be tested as soon as possible so if we start treatment around a week, we can manage." Robert said.

"It's gonna be rough. I'd imagine she will be staying in hospital for a long time... we are starting by giving her a bunch of chemo in her spine to rule out anything on her nervous system, then we have to give her more to kill the majority. An even more intense round will kill any remaining ones then it calms down- as long as it works." Elliot explained. It was long, and seemed tough, but I hoped she'd be okay.

She would be. She had to be.

"Can you fit her in any time soon? We need to rule out the chance of infection." Jayken asked me, running his hands through his hair.

"Yeah, I'll see her tomorrow. You guys just focus on her treatment. I can look after her at home or in my office,"

"Parker, you don't have to do that." Elliot said, randomly hugging me. It had been rough on us all. Rebecca meant so much to us. Seeing her in pain broke our hearts. Shattered them.

"You guys are going to be working incredibly hard over the next few months, and the least I can do is feed her, and look after her while you sleep and rest. You are sensible enough to know that it's not only impacting Emily." I leant into Ellto, putting my arm round him. Both of us took a deep breath. We knew how hard this would be.

"Parker!" Rebecca called from upstairs, only making me hug Elliot tighter. He patted my back and we sat up, looking at each other then everyone else. If I hadn't moved in with these guys, I don't know what I would've done.

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