Brave path 23

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"Do we tell my brother?"

"Well, we kind of have to, but we won't let him say anything if you don't want. It's your choice who visits."

"Thank you." I walked round the house-for the last time-with their help. All the nights I'd cuddled with them in their rooms, the films we watched in the living room, the baking disasters in the kitchen. That was the worst part. I wouldn't remember any of this. Jayken and Elliot came downstairs, both of them giving me a long hug.

"Are you ready to go?" Jayken asked, gently wiping my tears. I nodded and gripped his hand, letting him lead me to the car. As usual, I sat in the front. As usual, the hospital smell was overwhelming. As usual, the nurse helped me change into a gown.

But nothing else was the same anymore. They got me a permanent room and we settled in, turning the tv on and lounging around.

"Let's give you some pain relief ay?" Elliot said, cleaning my hand and slipping the cannula in. Jayken went to tell my brother while Parker cuddled with me.

"Don't you have to work?"

"I've got time off. Don't worry about me."

"You're going go home at night though... right?"

"No, we're getting an extra bed in here. The other three have places in hospital to stay."


"Rebecca." He teased, making me grin. The pain meds started kicking in and I felt sleepy again, closing my eyes every so often. "Go to sleep, we'll be here when you wake up."

However, there was an extra person when I woke up. Ray.

"Hey princess."

"I'm not your princess."

"Oh... um. How are you feeling?"


"I wanted to say I'm sorry, that I'm here for you."

"Why now?" He furrowed his eyebrows and stood up, making me flinch. "Why now? You've never cared before. If you think you're getting anything from me then you're wrong. Drake gets it all."

"Really? Your best friend."

"He's more of a brother than you ever were. Get out. It shouldn't take until death to decide you care." He bit his lip and nodded, leaving the room. Everyone was looking at me and I didn't know what to say. "He gets the money mum gave me. I never spent it but he can... on his first car or uni."

"Rebecca, you don't have to."

"It's not like I ever can." As the week went by, I pretty much felt the same. It only got a bit worse everyday. Which is why today was different. I could feel my whole body shutting down. Everyone sat round my bed, including Drake, watching the film. Jayken held my hand- they all knew. "Elliot, I think I wet myself again." I whispered, making him usher everyone out. I couldn't control any of my body anymore. It was embarrassing.

"How bad are you feeling?" He asked, calling for a nurse to help us out.

"Pretty bad. It's gonna happen today, isn't it."

"We don't know. Maybe we should all just talk how we used to instead of the film."

The nurse came in and changed the sheets while Calum changed my gown. We didn't care anymore. Everyone came back in and sat round, Drake on the end of my bed.
"Guys, can I just say thankyou so much. I've cried to you all, laughed with you all, cuddled with you all... all of you had never given up on me. I love you guys." I turned to Jayken and got him to give me my bag. Since it was the only one I had, I knew they'd pack my things into it. I handed it to him, telling him not to open it until the time was right. He knew what the right time was. I ordered a meal so Drake could eat it; no one wanted to leave the room and since he was the only visitor here, he would have to go to the canteen. Everyone wanted to stay. Everyone was on edge. We all talked and laughed for a while, somehow stopping me feel tired. Elliot cuddled me, Parker kept reassuring me and Drake pretended to be fully interested in the most stupid stories I could think of. I was so grateful. Then something felt wrong. Very wrong. Clearly everyone else sensed it too because the whole atmosphere changed. Everyone stood round the bed. I held Ellito's hand while Drake almost hid behind Jayken's body. "Is it... is it happening?" I choked out, not sure how I still felt so awake. I thought I'd be unable to talk like mum. Elliot nodded and I looked up at Parker, shaking my head and crying more. "I'm not ready." Maybe I was already dead. This didn't feel right. It didn't feel real.I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want to leave them. I loved them.

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