Chapter 31

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Location somewhere in the Pacific, Time jump just after the Battle of Cagayan

Sunken could be seen sailing away from the Battle as fast as she could. She knew she needed to get in a position where she could join up with her sister, but she had the problem of having the Abyssal fleet between herself and her sister. So for now she ran, until she could get to a place where she could turn towards Guam.

But now after a few minutes she came into contact with some of the retreating Abyssals. They attacked her and she returned the gesture by bombing them into oblivion.

But after a longer period she realized something terrifying, she didn't know where she was. She hadn't been paying attention to where she was, and now didn't know how to get to Guam. She was nervous as she didn't know if she was going to Guam or to a hostile area. But she decided that it'd be better to go somewhere rather than nowhere.


Location 158 kilometers southwest of Hawaii, time skip 3 and a half days

Sunken had been wandering for a long time in hostile waters. She knew after the first two days that she wasn't heading towards Guam, but she had no idea where she was. She didn't know if she was in the middle of the Pacific, or if she was near Australia, or near Asia. But she kept on going trying to find a piece of land to orient herself, if she could just find an island to orient herself, she could easily find Guam.

But now as she was sailing northeastward she came across a small fleet led by a Ri-class. The Ri-class identified her as a traitor and began a battle with her. The battle went on surprisingly long for the Ri-class as while she had heard of Sunken before, she didn't know that Sunken was a veteran among Abyssals.

Sunken now roared out as several torpedoes hit her right side. Her aura flared up around her, and her planes started to kamikaze into the hostile Abyssals. But the Ri-class wouldn't go down as her red aura flared up. Then suddenly a droning sound could be heard up above. The two of them wearily looked upwards and saw a small squad of dive bombers.

Sunken focused her aura on her injuries and tried to dodge to dive bombers, though the Ri-class kept her ground and tried to shoot down the bombers. The bombs dropped and the Ri-class was unlucky as a bomb struck her on the face and was covered in a smoke cloud, even her aura couldn't heal her fast enough.

Sunken was hit as well, and was thrown off her riggings into the water. She swam back over to her riggings and pulled herself back on to it, but now as she stared up into the sky she saw a few dive bombers still with bombs attached. So she played dead, by having her air planes crash into the sea, and she seemed to be dead. She had to let the waves carry her, and she noticed that the Ri-class did make it out alive, but she seemed to limp away.

But now as Sunken played dead, she didn't notice as a single dive bomber broke off to make sure she was dead. She was helpless as she felt the bomb crashing into her riggings. She was knocked unconscious from the hit, but was lucky to at least still partially on her riggings.


Location near Diamond Head, Hawaii, time skip 1 day

A large crowd could be seen gathered around at a beach, the police had quarantined part of the beach as something had washed up. People recorded with their phones at the strange sight. The police had to make sure that no one broke the quarantine to the object that washed up. They simply had to wait for the ship girls to come and take the object back to their base.

The object that had washed up was Sunken. She was unconscious and her riggings washed up in multiple large pieces, but everyone that could see her, could tell she was still alive.

The lost battleship of the southern trenchTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon