Chapter 5

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3rd person POV

Now Southern and Blue had searched around the rest of the base, at what they had figured out was Wake Island, but they didn't find anything really useful besides their findings at the first factory. They did fiddle around with the controls in the factories, but they had no apparent outcome. But they did find at least a few books lying around that they could read while sailing, so that it wouldn't be too boring.

Now after about two hours of them searching around they decided to get going towards Midway atoll. And the weird thing for both of them was that even if they weren't looking at the map, which they had taken with them, they felt like they knew where they were going, and that they didn't need to look at the map to get there. Now as they were sailing northeastward towards Midway atoll, with the X-class also following along with them, they didn't notice something happening at the base.

Two Ri-class, along with a Tsu-class could be seen looking through the repair shop where the X-class had been kept. They saw the wreckage and saw that the X-class was nowhere to be found.

{it is not here, Princess} one of the Ri-class now said over radio to their flagship.

{what do you mean it isn't there!?} a voice suddenly yelled back in anger, making all three cringe in response.

the Ri-class responded {I mean the X-class is not here. It looks like it broke out, possibly with help}

There was silence from the princess for a moment before she said in an angry tone {find that X-class NOW. And if you don't, then all three of you will be patrolling the Arctic for the next few years}

The three of them gave worried looks to each other at the sound of the Princess's threat

{roger that Princess} the Tsu-class now responded {we'll check the factories out next}

{I'm already checking the one to the west} the Princess stated {you check out the other one and the surrounding area}

Now the three of them responded{yes Ma'am!}

Now there was princess inside the factory that Southern and Blue had first checked out, the princess was Sunken. She was in the control room and immediately saw the papers that had been removed from the drawers. She checked the papers out and saw the three sketches, which caught her interest.

She quietly mumbled out what they said to herself, until she reached the third. The sketch was crudely drawn and only showed a large blob with four flame-like eyes, and three large tentacles at the back of it. Then she said aloud what was written about it "The Ra-class battleship, is a battleship seen commonly around The Trench. Very little is known about them, but what is known is that they are highly aggressive, even to Princesses, that they seem to be few in numbers, and that there is a possibility that they can be mass produced. It seems only powerful Princesses are able to tame these battleships, with the only known Princesses to do so, being three Trench Princesses"

She paused for a moment as she set the sketch back down onto the table. Then after a moment a red aura appeared around her whole body as she realized something "the X-class wouldn't have killed a Trench Abyssal if they helped it. But there is no body, from their report, so..." now she ball her hands into fists and gritted her teeth

"those traitors, they don't leave The Trench unless something important is happening, or... they've just woken up" now she paused for a moment when she realized something she could do, something that could help the entirety of the Abyssals, if it worked out. Then she started to laugh, but soon her laughter turned sinister. Then after a moment she turned her head and stared out at the fleet's worth of monster Abyssals in the factory, and a mad grin spread across her face as she continued to laugh.

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