Chapter 13

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Time skip 45 hours, Location 900 kilometers southeast of Hong Kong

Now the First fleet and Second fleet could be seen sailing alongside each other. Currently Blue and Southern were meeting to discuss the plan one more time before they'd split apart and meet back near Hong Kong.

"Alright guys, let's go over the plan one final time before we split up" Southern said as she was now sailing to Blue's right side.

Blue nodded in confirmation "alright" The rest of the fleet responded with a variety of different words for confirmation.

"Alright then: after we split up First fleet will continue northward at a reduced speed towards the target and will launch their planes off 200 kilometers from the target, When the planes get to the target, their first targets should be the warships docked in port, then any other warships that are sailing, then any important base structures fuel tanks and the like, the city should be ignored in full, unless you see a warship there. At the same time Second fleet will turn northeastward in a curving path, and will submerge halfway through the arch to avoid detection. We will then make our way 70 kilometers ahead of the First fleet, and will be waiting underwater. Our desired results will have a fleet of ship girls strike back at First fleet in retaliation, but if that doesn't occur, then First fleet and second fleet will join back together and assault any warships that haven't already been sunk, or warships that came from nearby bases. Everyone understand that?"

Then two Fleets responded almost in one voice with a loud "Yes" though now Southern sailed closer to Blue.

"Hey good luck Blue, and I'll be eager to see you later" Southern said happily "Hopefully everything goes well"

Blue smiled slightly "good luck too, we're both definitely going to need it"

"See you later" Southern said before sailing away and then commanding "come on Second Fleet! We're breaking off now!"

"See you as well!" Blue responded before sighing. She watched as Second Fleet broke off and reformed some distance away, and sailed northeastward. Though while Blue tried to stay somewhat happy, she knew the grim reality that in every battle there was the possibility that you might not make it. Sure she knew that they were all quite powerful, but that possibly still stood.


Time skip 15 hours, Location Yokosuka Naval base

Musa could be seen walking along the docks to the ship girl's dorms. Over the past two days she had been training Yamato and Musashi, and the fruits of her labor, and their labor could be seen starting to grow. She had just set something up for them, and was going to get Yamato and Musashi for a surprise test, to see if they could handle it as it was relatively early in the morning.

Though now she had to pass through the mess hall of the dorms to get to where Yamato and Musashi slept, and noticed a large group of people huddled around a large TV hung from the roof. When she looked over there she actually saw Yamato and Musashi watching the TV, but she was surprised to see someone else standing at the front of the group nearest to the TV.

"Ah! Commander, what are you doing here?!" She exclaimed happily as she stood at the back of the group. She noticed the commander by his white cap, and Akagi who was almost always by his side. Though now she noticed all the grim and horrified looks on the ship girls there "hey what's wrong?" Musa asked as she somehow was able to squeeze her way up to Akagi. Akagi noticed Musa and simply pointed up to the TV screen.

When Musa looked upwards her eyes widened and she was filled with sorrow, as she saw a collapsing skyscraper, on a emergency news broadcast, with the words "Abyssals attack Hong Kong" the camera panned outward and the full scene of what looked to be a skyscraper could be seen collapsing downwards. Abyssal planes filling the sky, ships sinking, fires raging all around, and smoke filling the sky. The faint screaming from nearby civilians could be heard. The camera then panned over to groups of police officers trying to evacuate the civilians to safety.

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