Chapter 21

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Southern POV, location Guam

Now after meeting with the two Ei-class, we walked back to our hotel. On the way I explained what had happened to us, telling them how we met each other, our encounters with other Abyssals like Patchwork, Hime, and Sunken, the trick the Plains Abyssals did, and how we learned that they were lying. By the time we were finished explaining our story we were back at the hotel and an hour or two had passed.

Now we sat on several sofas arranged in a circle. I was sitting next to Blue, Xia was on her own sofa to Blue's left side, and across from Blue and I were the two Ei-class.

Now after I finished there was a pause before the Ei-class I first met started to tell her story "We met each other because we were very close to each other when we woke up. But when we woke up we were both confused, and had no memory of our past, yet we felt like we knew each other. I remember trying to remember my past, but the same white fog that you described, pushed me away. But after that we surfaced together and started trying to look for someone to help us. Several days went by before we were approached by an Abyssal who looks like Xia over there. She told us that we were now a part of the Southernmost Trench's Fleet, led by Patchwork. We asked who they were, and she introduced herself as Xina, and told us that there was a sort of test before we could concretely be part of their fleet. By then we were completely surrounded by a fleet made up of other Abyssals that looked like the ones in your Fleet, and other Abyssals that looked like us. They said it'd be a trial by combat, when we asked what would happen if we failed, she said that if we failed then we'd be more useful as fodder for their monsters. So we chose to fight our way out so we wouldn't be mere food. We barely made it out alive and wandered around till we came across this island a few days before you arrived. Then we just started to wander around the island for the next few days, until we spotted your group. And watched you, we had some close calls where we were almost seen by you, and accidentally left food behind. Then... while I was scouting out your home here in this hotel, I wandered into a bathroom and saw Xia. I bolted away after we saw each other, and well... you know the rest from there"

There was a long awkward pause before I spoke "well we've cleared the misunderstanding, we aren't a part of Patchwork's fleet. Though now it'd be best for all of us to work together. Though I have to ask now, do two two have names?"

The two of them immediately shook their heads "we always referred to each other as sister, and never received names"

"Then how about I give you two names? You two might be able to function without names alone, but it'd be easier for us if you had ones"

They looked at each other for a moment before looking back at us "yes, that sounds good" the one with blue eyes said.

now I thought for a moment before speaking "then you with red eyes will be Eima, and your sister with be Eiki"

Eiki smiled and said "that sounds like a beautiful name, thank you Southern"

Eima simply nodded and said "thank you"


Time skip 1 day

Now a day had passed since we met Eima and Eiki. After explaining both of our stories, we started to try to map out the island so we knew what it looked like in full. Lucky we found a map at a building that was apparently called a 'travel agency' The island as a whole was big, not gigantic, but for the six of us it seemed to be enough.

We had mostly spent the hours gathering food and other supplies. The food that was still good we had brought back to the hotel. Ranna had the monster Abyssals patrol around the island to warn us of any incoming dangers. It finally seemed that we'd have peace rather than all the hectic kind of life we've had for the past month. To be honest it seemed too good to be true.

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