Chapter 20

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Southern POV, time skip 24 hours, location 1,215 Kilometers Southwest of Guam

Now a day had passed as our fleet made its way to Guam. We wanted to get there fast, so we were going full speed ahead. It was actually made quite easy for Blue, Xia, and I as we were sitting on the Ra-class's triple turret that was directly on top of her. It took some time, but I had actually named her, after finding out she didn't remember her name. I named her Ranna, because I liked the sound of it.

Though now Xia, Blue, the fox and I were atop Ranna. Blue was still sleeping, with me laying her head on my lap as I sat there. I was thinking about the idea that had creeped into my head before. The idea that Blue loved me. It was an odd idea to me to be honest. We had only known each other so far for only a month at the moment, though I guess we had been through a lot together and had to stuck together for all of it.

But now I sighed as I was gently patting Blue's head. But then I felt her moving, before she groaned slightly. Then a moment later she started to get up "ugh, what... what happened?" She asked, now in her normal voice. Though when she looked around, she asked "where... are we?"

I was beside Blue as she got up, and answered her questions "the battle is over Blue. It's a day later and we're on our way to Guam"

Now Blue looked confused for a moment before looking at me with wonder. Then in a split second she had wrapped her arms around me in a hug and I could hear her cry "Southern! I thought you had sunk!"

I patted her on the back as she hugged me, and wrapped my arms around her as well. She was crying tears of joy, as we both sat there. I smiled and said "yes I am alive, Blue"

She cried in my arms for a few moments before she collected herself. She let go of me, but we sat next to each other. She had a pleased smile on her face, before a hand went up to her forehead and she groaned.

"Uh? Is something wrong, Blue?" I asked worriedly.

"Memories... I remember some of my old memories, after a met that woman"

"Wait, do you mean the same woman I've seen?" I asked as I looked at the fox.

The fox shook its head, and spoke "no, she met her own self"

"So you must have seen another woman I said.

"Where maybe" Blue said in a slightly pained voice. Then she looked at me oddly "why did you look at the fox like you were talking with it?"

"Because I was talking to it, you didn't hear it?" I answered in a confident voice.

"Uh... no" now she groaned again in pain as I went up next to her.

As I tried to see if I could do anything to at least dull the pain, I could hear the fox speaking "my voice is in your head. She or anyone else can't hear what I'm saying. To them I seem like I'm your pet"

"Oh, that makes sense" I say. But now I could see Blue looking at me for a moment like I'm crazy. I looked to where Xia was and could see she had the same expression "I'm not crazy guys. The fox does talk, it's just she speaks in my head"

Blue looked at me with the expression she had on for a moment, as she let out a sigh, seeming to no longer be in pain. Now we simply sat beside each other, with her leaning against me. But then she spoke "after everything that has happened, I believe you Southern. Considering this world, I don't find it too far fetched that, a fox actually speaks to you"

"Thanks" I say happily as I now move a hand up to her head and start head patting her. She had a pleased smile as I did so "so we are heading towards our new home?" She asked.

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