Chapter 10

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Southern POV

I heard a someone speaking "get up" it said, in a female voice "get up" it repeated. I wanted to try and get up but I was unconscious. I wanted to try and say that I couldn't get up, but I couldn't speak. Then it spoke again "I know"

I suddenly opened my eyes and could see I was lying on the floor. The room I was in was dark grey, and it was hard to tell how far the walls were from me. Then the voice repeated "I know" I looked around for the source of the voice and found that I could at least move my head, but I couldn't move my body off the floor. Though soon I found the source of the voice standing right in front of me.

I couldn't really see her per se, she was a foggy figure to be honest. Like she was made of fog. I could only see the outline of her body, and could tell that she must normally be quite tall, though it's kinda hard to tell when you're forced to lie on your belly.

"But I can help" the voice said. The figure knelt down and I could see her head look down to me. It was foggy like the rest of her body, but there was one part that wasn't foggy. Her right eye showed through the Fog, it glowed a crimson red down towards me, and even from the one eye I could tell she had a caring look to her. I wanted to say that I couldn't move my body, but no words came out "I know" she said again "but you must try. Your friends are in danger" she extended a hand out to me and I doubted for a second if I could even grab onto her foggy form, but I tried.

It felt painful and difficult but I eventually moved my left arm upwards, even just a few centimeters it felt like every part of my body was breaking down into tiny pieces. I wanted to stop, to cease the pain but I heard a voice crying out "help... me" it wasn't any voice I knew, but something deep inside me stirred, and I kept trying even though the pain was like going through hell.

Then as soon as my hand was at the same height as the figure's, she grabbed my hand quickly, and the fog from her figure dispersed. The pain disappeared and I felt like I hadn't even gone through any pain. She appeared like a white light, I couldn't make out her features but something about her was familiar. She lifted me up, saying "alone, we're weak. But together we're strong"

"Who are you?" I said aloud, and was astounded that I could finally say actual words. The woman spoke but I couldn't hear her words, I could only see her lips moving, but even then it was hard to tell what she said.

Then I felt as she embraced me in a hug, and rested a hand on my head. Then I could hear her speaking "rest now. I will take care of the others for a short while, while you rest"

I rested my head against her chest and sighed, before closing my eye and saying "thank you"


3rd person POV

Blue jumped backwards as shells from a destroyer landed right in front of her. She clenched her teeth, and her right shoulder in pain as she saw that the three of them, Xia, Sunken, and herself, were surrounded completely by Patchwork's Fleet.

The three of them were close together and tried to escape when Southern had caused a distraction for them, but they didn't get that far when a fleet of monster Abyssals appeared and stopped their escape. And the annoying thing for Blue was that the monster Abyssals seemed to be focusing completely on herself. She and Xia didn't know it, but these monster Abyssals were actually under the control of Sunken. They were fighting an uphill battle against a much larger force, though they didn't know the traitorous actions of one of their own, but they kept fighting. They wouldn't go down easy.

Blue knew what had happened to Southern, her planes watched her fight against Patchwork, and watched Kamikaze' suicide attacks. She had wanted to help Southern, but her planes couldn't get through Kamikaze'. This information was much the same with Xia and Sunken, but they couldn't offer any help to their battleship ally, and any they tried to got shot down before they could be of any use.

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