Chapter 27

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3rd person POV, time skip 5 days, time 10:00 AM, location 700 kilometers from Hong Kong

The already large Trench Abyssal fleet, after leaving Palora, was reinforced only in 3 hours when they joined up with Ranna, Eiki, Eima, Xia and the rest of Southern's fleet. Southern and Blue had quickly explained to them what was happening, and had quickly set off for Hong Kong. Now it was several days later, when they were again reinforced by Juggernaut War Princess, and Samoa Water Princess.

Samoa was short, only slightly taller than Xia, she had short white hair, though she seemed to normally keep her eyes closed, though one blue streak was beneath each eye that looked similar to tears. She wore a simple white dress, with no sleeves, and black patterns at the bottom of the dress. Her riggings were simply a floating sphere about a meter and a half in diameter, with several holes in the sphere, each hole about a third of a meter in diameter, and out of several holes were long white tentacles.

When the two had reinforced, Samoa had the Disruptor in hand, and was showing it to the Princesses and Onis. Now she spoke, her voice being somewhat quiet yet she still sounded serious "the device interrupts the riggings of whoever it is attached to. Though it also weakens the target. If one is attached to your riggings, it will cause your strength to be lessened to that of a Plains Abyssal. If two are attached then it will cause your strength to disappear completely. If you try to remove one from your riggings, you receive an electric shock, just strong enough that you can't hold onto, but weak enough not to hurt you long term, though a third party can take it off without any effects"

There was a momentary pause before Bonin spoke "so basically don't get into close combat with them, and if you do, make sure there's someone nearby to help you"

Samoa nodded "yes, exactly"

"Alright then" Southern War said. "How far are we from Hong Kong now?"

"About 700 kilometers" Jugg responded.

"700... Hmm, let's show our presence to the humans"

"So you think we should split now?" Eastern War asked as she now sailed besides Southern.

Southern paused for a moment before speaking "yes, we should. If they see us, then they'll have to send a large fleet to deal with us. That will probably be most of their ships, so only a skeleton force would be left at Hong Kong"

Eastern nodded "Alright then" now she spoke over radio to the rest of the fleet "everyone, we're splitting off now. Everyone assigned to the search force and guard force, meet 10 kilometers to the West of the Distraction force. You will know which forces are which, because the Distraction force will always have the three Ra-class. Understand?" Eastern's riggings were similar to Southern Trench's as it was a massive monster riggings. Though it looked perhaps a meter or so shorter, and its eyes glowed a dark blue.

Now even without the radio, there was a loud mixture of responses, but all confirmed what Eastern had ordered. Almost immediately Abyssals, and monster Abyssals alike started weaving through the fleet to the meeting point.

Eastern paused for a moment before she looked towards Southern, and said "even though for all intents and purposes we are strangers, thank you for helping"

Southern smiled at her and said "its nothing, we're allies after all" now without another word Eastern nodded and started off towards the meeting point. Now Southern looked straight ahead for a moment before speaking "Alright then, I want the aircraft carriers, Xina and Xida, to launch a strike force against Hong Kong, two of my scouts will accompany the force, so I can see for myself what the makeup of the ship girl fleet is. The rest of you will hold your air wings for the moment. Remember this first attack is just so we can be seen by the humans, if any human planes follow yours on the return trip do not shoot them down. Understood?"

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