Chapter 17 - Letters to my love

Start from the beginning

Namjoon was very handy at embarrasing you by the way. Apparently you have underwear for every day of the week and some of them even have little ducks on them.

Very cute.

I hope your week has improved since you last wrote me. Try not to think about what could happen, we'll deal with that when we have to. Please be careful Jeongguk.

Since I last wrote to you, I have thought about my other aspirations. One of them is to own a pet iguana. I know what you are going to say so shut up, they are highly intelligent.

I might buy one while you are away just so you can't say no.

Say hello to Jimin for me, your loving husband.


My darling husband,
                                    Okay fine, you don't want to skydive. Maybe we can go bungee jumping off a bridge instead.

Yes, I do own duck underwear. They are very cute and I'm not giving them up. Having underwear for every day of the week is very useful and I won't hear otherwise.

I will always be careful so don't worry about me Tae. Nothing else has really happened since we last spoke. Jimin did fall over during a game of tag so that is always entertaining. If you were here then you would have laughed. I embarrassed him for the both of us so don't worry about that.

An iguana? Really? It seems a bit random and you were dead right, I am against the idea so don't you dare buy one while I am away. We can think about pets at a more appropriate time.

Jimin said hi and also said to make sure you keep going out with Namjoon. It will do the both of you some good.

Not for embarrassing stories though.

Stay safe, Jeongguk.


                  No extreme sports of any kind. Thank you.

I think your underwear choice is very cute so don't feel the need to justify your duck choices.

Thanks for laughing at Jimin for me, you are right, I definitely would have laughed at him.

Fine, I won't buy an iguana.


They are a great choice of pet but we can talk about that when you come back home.

I have arranged to meet Namjoon every week to stay up to date on all of your embarrassing stories. Tell Jimin that his choice of man is approved by me.

I have some more questions for you~

Breakfast tacos or late-night tacos?

I prefer breakfast tacos with lots of hot sauce. Something tells me you will disagree but then again, when have you ever been right when it comes to food?

Romance films or comedies?

I love comedies. They are much more entertaining than sappy love stories. The best comedy of all time has got to be 'Meet the Parents'. It's absolutely hilarious. We need to watch it together when you come back.

Stay safe.

Lots of love, Taehyung. ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎


Dear Tae,
               I thought I told you to stop calling me commando. It seems you really never listen.

We can discuss the iguana situation when I get back. In the meantime please refrain from buying one.

We don't have the room.

Definitely breakfast tacos. But with hot sauce? Absolutely not. It ruins the flavour. You can't taste anything else in the taco, it's just heat. Very unpleasant.

Finally something we can agree on, comedies are amazing. Much better than awkward romance films. I have never seen 'Meet the Parents' but I very much look forward to seeing it with you.

I promise I'm staying as safe as I can.

Lots of love, your Jeongguk.


That was the last letter Taehyung received from Jeongguk.

The brunet wrote letter after letter that day but each time he received no reply from his husband.

Taehyung pushed the worst thoughts to the back of his mind. It was more than possible that Jeongguk could just be busy.

Taehyung tried to remain positive but the anxiety gnawed away at his heart. Deep inside, Taehyung knew something was dreadfully wrong.

His suspicions were confirmed when he received a letter from the Marine Corps.

Private and confidential.

Addressed to the next of kin, Mr Jeon Taehyung.

The brunet could hardly grasp reality when he read what the letter contained. Tears rolled down his cheeks when Taehyung read the bold words.

Jeongguk was injured.

And in a critical condition.

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