39 - I cannot let the History repeat itself

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I took everyone home; Harshad's confession was recorded. But everyone was little shaken up with what all they saw. They had questions in their head, they all were scared, and I was confused. How come I was not aware of their presence and how come they are not aware of mine. Harshad just turned but there might be others too. So why I couldn't smell them just like before.

I was standing at the balcony while others were catching their breath inside. I felt Nandini's hand on my torso and I pulled her into tight hug. Last time I lost her because of the same monsters. I cannot let the history repeat itself. "Mani are you okay?" My lips curled up at the nickname she has given me.

I buried myself more into her while she sighed, running her fingers in my hair soothing me down. I stayed there for few more minutes and once I was back in control, we separated. "Come on, I have things to tell you all..."

All were huddled up on my bed looking expectantly at me. I ran a hand down my hair taking deep breaths. "Remember I told you guys about the monsters who killed my Grandmom? Who made Samantha pregnant and who killed your Aunt Nandini?" They all nodded.

"Ware wolf, those Monsters were ware wolf. Half human and Half wolf. They are born as human and when they turned 18 they get their wolf. They are powerful just like Vampires and their bite can kill off vampires too, not the original one though. The only drawback for them is that their life span is just of 30 years and after turning 30 they automatically die."

Nandini - So Harshad is a

Manik - Ware wolf yes.

Cabir - Abhimanyu is his cousin, so that means

And all their eyes widened.

Manik - 90% are the chances that he is too, but we have to find out...

Mukti - Oh my god, the boy I love could be mortal enemy of my family.

I took her in my embrace while she sobbed hugging me. I never wanted any of them to get hurt but Abhimanyu can be bad news. "Our normal high school life has turned into a horror series; in every episode we are finding something new..." Alia chuckled. So true, they don't deserve to deal with all this.

Navya - So now Harshad is my mortal enemy? Are we going to make a complain about him? What if he attack me?

Manik - Don't worry until I am here, I am not going to let anyone hurt any of you and yeah we will complain. If we have to find more of them, one has to go down.

Dhruv - So yesterday was his first time turning?

"Yeah. But guys there is more that you need to know. If Ware wolves are back, then Sia's and Nandini's life is in more danger than any of us." I know they would be still looking for that one witch who can break their spell and now there was not one but two. So, we couldn't let them find out.

Nandini - What do you mean Manik?

"Nandini, 25 years back that war happened because they wanted Sia. Ware wolves were cursed to live only 30 years, but they were given a promise that this curse will be only broken when a Witch with a ware wolf blood in her system would be sacrificed by them. Sia is that witch and now Nandini being her daughter too have a same blood line. So, them being here simply means they are here for the Witch. So, we have to make sure they never reach any of them."

Aliya - No, I am not letting anyone hurt my mom and my sister.

Mukti - Yeah and for that we can do anything.

Cabir - Exactly Aunt Sia and Nonu are not going to be harm by anyone.

Navya - I will help in all ways I can Manik.

My Monster 👿Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora