23 - Not just any face, it's my face

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The doorbell rang and Cabir ran out to open the door knowing well that Navya is on the other side. Girls and I exchanged a look. It was no more a secret that Cabir likes Navya, we saw that at Diwali party, the way he was angry, the way he was concerned for her. But we didn't say anything to him, I know he will open up to us soon once he will figure that out himself.

We didn't question Navya also about whatever we heard, and nor did she say anything. But now after a whole week of that incident, she finally called us asking to meet cause as per her we deserve an explanation. "Hello, guys..." She gave us a small smile that we returned. I asked her to take a seat and all of us also settled down patiently.

I offered her a can of coke and some snacks which she took thanking us and again the room fell into silence waiting for her to speak. "I don't know from where to start..." She sighed, her eyes were filled with tears, I kept my hand over her assuring we are here for her. "I met Harshad before he joined our school, if you guys know he is my neighbor so we met in the summer vacations last year. We became friends and I grew a liking for him. He was sweet, he was charming, everything a girl dreams of. We started hanging out frequently at each other's place as we both loved music so we bonded over that too...

Soon the friendship turned into something more for me and I knew he felt the same but when we started going to school, he was dating Soha, He told me that all of this is forced by their grandparents and he only likes me. And how gullible I was, I kept believing him. He fed me lies, and fake promises and I kept a hope that soon he will end his relationship with Soha and come to me. God, I was so stupid..." Navya started crying and I took her in my arms.

"That son of a bitch, how could he do this? He just not played you but Soha too... That bastard..." Cabir was seething in anger and so was I. I can't believe Harshad will stoop so low. "I know you guys must be hating me now but thank you for listening out.."

Aliya - We don't hate you Navya, it's not your fault.

Mukti - Yes, loving someone is not wrong, how would you know the guy you trusted the most will turn out to be this?

Nandini - They are right, don't blame yourself at all...

Cabir - And drop from that band, you are not hanging out with them anymore.

Navya - No, Cabir I can't do that.

Dhruv - But Navya after all of this, you still want to be with him?

"No, No of course not. I hate him and I have realized he just played me there is no way I am repeating the same mistake again. But winning this competition is just not his but my dream too and I can't withdraw like this and moreover, we are too near to the competition, I just have to tolerate him for a few more days and after Musicana I will leave the band for good..."

Cabir - But...

Manik - She is right. She has done so much for this competition now we can't ask her to back off. We all should let her participate.

Nandini - Yeah Manik is right.

We all nodded and she smiled widely this time. "Thank you so much for understanding me, you all are really sweet..." We had a good chit-chat session for some time and soon Navya left. Aliya and Dhruv went out on a date and Manik decided to walk me home bidding goodbye to the twins we left the house.

We came inside our empty house and I made my way toward the couch. "God Musicana is just so near and I am shitting myself..." I looked at him who was busy on his phone. "Why?"

Nandini - What why? Manik I am so nervous I think I will mess it up...

Manik - Calm down Kitten, we have practiced too much. We have got this.

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