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Welcome to the It All Started With Magnets Glossary. This is to give a quick background of the universe, the species in it, and the various traditions that can be found to help give you a better understanding of what is going on.



The Ilthi are a species that originated on the planet Itlarian and are the galactic species to discover space flight. They have a massive historical record that stretches over six hundred thousand years and during that time they have warred and fought and generally seem to believe that they got the worst of it out of their system and have dedicated themselves and their species to having a united galactic community where everyone will flourish. They are also the very first species to have first contact with another galactic species.

As a species they have been split into six Royal Houses The Royal House of Black, which is represented by fertile earth, The Royal House of Star, which is represented by the sun, The Royal House of Sea, which is represented by oceans, The Royal House of Tree, which is represented by plants (not necessarily just trees), The Royal House of Silver, which is represented by metals, and The Royal House of Breath, which is represented by air. Each Royal House has their own royal line and Ilthi will formally introduce themselves with their positioning in relation to the throne. Each Royal House also has their own distinct language.

Physical Attributes

Physically they are tall, slender species who skin and eyes glow with a long life span of about five hundred years. They look like mythical elves with slightly rounder ears and larger eyes, their skin colours are all pastel based but lean more towards cooler pastels such as blue. Eye eye colour can vary but all eyes will glow intensely. They do not have hair, they have a sensory organ called Ilithari that looks like hair. They are thicker strands and alert the Ilthi of dangers present and generally function as an external alarm system to various changes in their environment. Cutting off an Ilthi's ilithari is like removing a full sense like sight or hearing, it leaves them feeling unsteady in their environment.

The Ilithari as a sensory organ developed due to two major factors. Occasionally, due to the pockets of decaying vegetation on their planet, deadly gasses would build up, the Ilthari were developed to alert the Ilthi that the gasses were building so they could escape without dying. The second reason is that it grew in tandem to the prey animals on the planet. They required a matching sensory organ that could alert them of close prey so they could ambush them before the prey realized they were there with their own sensory organs similar to the ilithari. Although a good portion of Ilthi lean more towards vegetarian, eating meat occasionally is necessary for a specific nutritional requirement needed to ensure the ilithari remain functional.

Within their physiology, they also have double helix DNA which results in them having double of their organs, which means they are generally a very healthy species and sickness or illness is not common. However the double systems mean that they have a lightly higher body temp and they do not fair well in higher temperatures. Their comfortable range is 1C to about 26C, colder than 1C and their ilithari will freeze and their systems will start to shut down. Too hot and their internal organs get too hot and start to shut down. So they require a more temperate climate to feel comfortable and stay safe.

Cultural Aspects

Ilthi are a calm species, they rarely tend to get upset and their culture focuses a lot on mediation and inner focus. Loss of control emotionally is frowned upon except in specific cases, such as threats against ilithari. Due to their history where winners against warring Royal Houses would cut off the ilithari of the losing Royal House, threats against or to ilithari are allowed to be responded to with excessive emotions. However generally they can be seen as unbothered and almost sedate, continually in a rather meditative or reflective state. Another exception to this rule is excitement and specifically in regards to loved ones returning or seeing family after a long absence.

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