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"So, what have you figured?" I lifted my arms above my head and stretched, my back popping in several spots. I had just finished taking everyone up in my space ship and the scientists were growing more and more excited each trip we returned from.

"There is so much data to work through!" Loril-ee's wings fluttered rapidly in excitement. "This is a massive scientific breakthrough! We will be studying it for centuries!" She was nearly vibrating and I twisted to the side with a slight groan as I stretched out the cramping muscles. My body was not happy that I had spent the last five hours in my ship and I made a mental note to limit my travelling for a while. At least until my body got a good amount of rest.

"You do not understand how important this data is for the Galactic Union. You have propelled us into an entirely new age of technology!" Hallee-tie's words were nearly breathless as she looked at me from the small computer set up they had on the landing pad and I raised an eyebrow before standing up straight.

"Which is awesome and all but what have you learned so far?" I wanted to know just what parameters my engines were running at. It was cool that they wanted to discuss future scientific breakthroughs using my engines but I kinda wanted to know what their readings said about

"The thrust of that singular engine is astronomical." Bof'jag's words were nearly a boom. "That amount of thrust could easily move one of our largest freighter's with thrust to spare and your ship has six." The Grog sounded overly excited and I could only imagine why. That much power, in a singular, smaller ship was something to get excited about, especially for a Grog. They seemed to revel in all things powerful and dangerous.

"So my ship is overpowered?" It sounded like that's what they were saying. We had thrown six engines into my ship to just make sure, I had three prior to the newest design. It was just a little bit funny that we might have gone a little overkill with it. To be fair that was pretty standard of humans, go big or go home and all that.

"Very much." Duntella said it slowly and I looked at the j'ygnt scientist. She was standing next to Loril-ee near the small set up they had made. "For a ship your size, you could do with eighth the amount of thrust and still maintain the current speed. As it was, when you pushed the ship to go faster, there was a concerning rattle. It just cannot physically handle the thrust from all six engines as you were only running off one." The explanation made me gave a slow nod. That made sense and I had noticed the rattle. I knew that even before I made it to this planet. I figured I didn't need to go that fast and had never actually

"Six of those engines could move a planet from it's orbit!" Bof'jag blurted it out, his big and bulky form looking far too pleased with the idea and it made me fight off my own smile.

"Let us not exaggerate, Bof'jag." Il'tig clicked his mandibles together and I glanced over at the k'gtar scientist. Both him and At'kat'vo had kind of gone a bit grey when we came back and the other scientists explained the rattle. Both had urged me not to test the speed anymore than I needed to and Mare-aidee has whispered at me that I needed to listen otherwise both of them would moult from the stress and worry. I had hastily agreed and their chitin had once again returned back to their previous dark state.

"A small moon then." Bof'jag nearly muttered it out, his arms crossing his chest almost petulantly. The sight of such a large and relatively intimidating alien doing that made me want to laugh but I forced it down.

"Let us not discuss the ability to move small celestial bodies just yet. We have a lot of data to run through but this is absolutely extraordinary." Kai-el-tee's wings fluttered with his excitement as he moved over to Loril-ee. "The implications of this data are so far reaching we cannot even begin to think about how it will change the technological landscape of the entire Galactic Union." His wings fluttered so hard I was surprised he hadn't started to float. Then again I could see Loril-ee's fluttering just as much.

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