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The trip to my little ship on the landing pad at the sky port was not a long one but Gal'rug kept asking me to tell him more about monster trucks and the 'machine wars' and I made a mental note to write down that the grog would adore monster truck rallies and every other thing I could think of that they would like. Full contact sports seemed like a good addition to that list and I wondered if they would lose their minds over WWE. I wasn't sure because it was more acting than actual fighting but one could never actually tell unless it was introduced. That wasn't to even mention demolition derbies. If they liked monster trucks I could only imagine how much fun the grog would have with demolition derbies where you did your best to destroy other cars with other people driving them.

My ship loomed over me and I reached up to the security port. I pressed my hand against it and there was a moment before the ship's door clicked and then whooshed open. "Biometric scanner?" At the question from Loril-ee I nodded.

"Scans my hand print. If I had the isolated environment going then I would need to wear my suit to even get close." I stepped into the ship and headed for my main seat. I spotted my phone and grabbed it. I wanted to take so many photos. I came back and all seven were looking at my ship.

"What are these isolated systems?" Loril-ee looked up at me and I shrugged.

"The scientists who tweaked mine say they are a force field but it's using magnetic polarity to work, I'm not sure. But you can't get close to my ship when I have it turned on. My suit has the same isolated environment built into it, meaning I can get close because the barrier accepts the barrier my suit has." That was the layman's terms for it or what I had gathered from the technical babble that they had tossed at me when they worked on it.

"Like bubbles. A single bubble can accept a smaller bubble but these bubbles don't pop when you poke them, they won't yield. They might move a bit for sound waves but nothing else." I shrugged again and opened up my phone. The screen was dark and I quickly adjusted the settings to brighten it. I always kept it low because space could be dark and the last thing I liked doing was being blinded by the brightness of my screen when I turned it on and the auto adjust never lowered it enough.

I brought up my camera and smiled at everyone. "Want a picture?" I felt super excited, I would be taking the first ever photograph of alien life. Gal-rug nodded quickly as did Dunnerton.

"What a strange little contraption." Hint said it as he pointed to my phone and I shrugged.

"Mini computer." That was the best word I could use to describe it.

"That is not like any computer I have ever seen before." Loril-ee stared at it and I shrugged again.

"You can poke at it after as long as you don't erase any of my data." I gave her a small smile before I looked around at them all. "So, picture?" I lifted the phone and they all agreed and I headed towards the closest guard. "Do you mind taking the picture?" I lifted my phone for him and he stared at me with wide eyes as he looked between me at the phone.

"I cannot even begin to know how to use that." He pointed at it and I smiled.

"Here. I can show you." I came closer and gestured for him to bend down. "Okay, I'll take a selfie to show you." I flipped the camera and lifted it, making sure both he and I were in the shot. "You just press this circle here and it takes it." I smiled and pressed it. The phone made the camera shutter noise and the guard startled slightly but smiled as I brought up the photo. "See? Easy!" I showed it to him and I was rather impressed at how decent the photo looked. "Now just keep us on the screen and press the circle when I say." I took the phone back to the camera and flipped it to the back. "The camera is here so don't put your finger over it." I showed him the back camera and he nodded and took the smart phone from me. It look positively tiny in his hands and I quickly headed back to the Ambassadors.

It All Started With MagnetsWhere stories live. Discover now