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Two months later

"You can't just-"

Rok-see shouted, banging her fist against the table as she pointed to Kailtee'ei. "But I did and I succeeded!" She grinned wide. "So there!" She stuck her little tongue out at the antwyn and he sputtered.

"You can't just do that-"

"But I did, Kal! I threw all scientific method out the window and because of it I created my engine!" Rok-see practically crowed with her borderline smugness but the smile on her face was the most reassuring thing to see because it meant she wasn't actually arguing with him. I didn't understand why Kailtee'ei started the arguments with her, she clearly did it because he was so easy to rile up. Even Lorilyee'ei had figured it out and had realized that Rok-see was usually teasing.

"The scientific method is the best way to formulate and prove theories." Kailtee'ei sputtered slightly, his blue wings fluttering and his antenna twitching as he set down his drink.

"My wing it in a garage made an overpowered, almost mono-pole magnetic engine and your scientific methods had you bypassing it entirely! Ha!" Rok-see banged her fist on the table and swiped up her drink and took a large mouthful. I shook my head slightly, my ilithari floating around me. Rok-see could be as bad as Gal'rug some days. I doubted any of us would get any true peace with how well the two got along. Not even just Gal'rug. Tak'ala, the arena coordinator got along with Rok-see too. As well as a dozen of the arena warriors that would call over to my apartment to see if she wanted to come out to their battles. I shook my head again and sipped at my water. I was just happy that after two of what Rok-see called months, she was making friends.

"To be fair, Roks-ei, it was less our scientific method and more our lack of ability to dream up false things that don not exist and never have." Lorilyee'ei crunched down on a bone as she looked at our human.

Rok-see grinned wide. "Stop ruining my fun, Loril." That had Gal'rug booming out a laugh as he drained his cup, wrapping an affectionate arm around Rok-see and giving her a slight shake.

"I'm just saying the scientific method-"

"Leave it alone, Kailtee'ei. She is doing it because you give her a reaction." Halleatei gave the antwyn scientist a look. "You know how she gets when she drinks that poison."

"Ha! Poison to you maybe, Hallee!" Rok-see gave a snort, taking another deep drink from her cup. "I like Gal'rug's secret family recipe mead. It's sensational and delicious." She turned her nose up, giving a playful sniff and Bof'jag thumped her back with a laugh, shaking his head. It caused Gal'rug to shove the other grog playfully and before I knew it they were off the bench and wrestling on the floor shouting for the other to yield. Rok-see cheered them on, lifting her cup up high as she did so.

I might not have understood the need for them to poison themselves with ethanol and I might have lost some peace for how well they got along but I was truly and utterly happy that Rok-see was with us and making friends. I was ecstatic at her staying with me, I was beside myself at how she embraced all of our cultures, I was overjoyed at how willing she was to help us understand her engine and to further the Galactic Union.

I gave a wistful sigh at the thought. I was happy that we had our new friend.

"I do not understand why they get such joy out of expending so much unnecessary energy." Dnrtn said it slowly as he watched as Gal'rug managed to get Bof'jag pinned down and yielding. "But I have not seen Gal'rug so joyous to be around us. I did not think he would last on the Council and I understand. It is lonely when you do not have those around who understand you." The jyngt gave a slow nod that I found myself agreeing with him. Gal'rug had been...chaffing for a while at being on the Council but Rok-see and her sudden appearance seemed to revitalize him. He was eager to get on the comms to tell the other Councils of the various things that we were learning and the new things Rok-see had done. I was glad for it. I did like Gal'rug, despite his boisterous personality. Replacing him would have been difficult. I knew A'tkat'vo would have moulted, perhaps even more than once. I didn't even think about what would happen to the poor k'gtar once Rok-see had to leave.

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