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We arrived at the arena and I looked at the busy area and winced slightly. There were a lot of grogs and that low level of unease grew worse inside me. I worried that if I got out there my brain would freak out and I didn't want to deal with that. I worried my bottom lip with my teeth as I tried to rationalize it away but all it did was make me feel even worse. I never would have second guessed myself before gong back to earth. I would have raced Gal'rug to the seats but there I was, sitting in the cruiser, wondering if it would be better I just go back to Mare's because I didn't want to deal with a potential panic attack if I got one.

"Rox'ie, I am right with you." Gal'rug reached over and grasped my forearm, giving it a gentle squeeze.

I threw him a half smile that felt weak to even myself. "I'm just..." I paused and let out a small sigh.

"Hey." Luke moved to the front, shoving himself between the two front seats. "If you allow yourself to give into the anxiety of going out, it will never get better." He said the words low. "I know you probably don't want to go anywhere and you're feeling really unsure but the best thing to do is go out there and do what you normally would."

I looked at him, "What if I have another freak out?" Gal'rug rubbed my arm with his thumb, giving it another squeeze.

Luke gave me a reassuring smile, "Then we work through it but you can't allow yourself to fall into patterns of anxiety and take yourself away from regular day to day life. So we go in there, we have fun, if you have a panic attack, it's alright and we can deal with it." He reached out and nudged my chin with his knuckles. "Let's go to work, Aun'Rox. We can do this." With that he moved back and I let out a shaky breath, looking at Gal'rug as the guys gave me their own encouragement.

"I can do this." I gave a decisive nod and Gal'rug nodded back, smiling wide enough his tusks were fully bared.

"You can and I am with you." He squeezed my arm again before letting it go and opening his door. "Out of the cruiser, Rox'ie would like to get changed." He got out and opened the back door and I was aware he was ushering the guys out. I reached over and flicked the privacy shielding and the windows darkened, obstructing the view of the inside.

"Shoes." Ham said it as he held my sneakers between the front seats and I took them with a quick thanks. And it wasn't long before Gal'rug closed the back door and I was left alone. I quickly changed into a pair of jeans and adjusted my shirt so it looked better and pulled on my shoes. I shoved my sleep pants into the backpack and let out a shaky exhale before I opened my door and stepped out. Gal'rug was already waiting by my door and I smiled up at him.

"You can do this." He reached over and gave my back a firm, reassuring rub and I nodded.

"Come on, Tank! You like the arena! Don't pussy out!" Jetski reached over and lightly pushed at me.

"I'm fucking pumped!" Timmay gave a huge flex as he said it and Ham shoved at him with a laugh. I was aware of the grogs looking at us and I waved, fighting down the anxiety. They grinned in our direction and waved back. They looked super excited as they pointed at our group.

"You talked to Tak'ala?" I looked up at Gal'rug and he nodded as he rested his hand on my back.

"She has reserved us great seats. She is excited that the new humans will be coming to see the arena." He nodded and started guiding me towards the large building. I ignored the twinge in my stomach that told me to turn around and leave, that it was better to not risk it.

"I know you said it was like the gladiators but holy shit." Luke said it as he fell into step beside me, staring up at the colosseum type building.

"Wait till you see an actual battle." I nodded slightly as I gave him a small smile. That was where the true gladiator atmosphere came into play and I knew they would all love it.

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