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Three days later

I was almost giddy as I fixed up the hospital room. I knew I didn't really have to do it but I was waiting for transport to be brought around so I could get picked up and I needed something to do with my hands. Bav'ka and the others, from insistence of the guys and the Council, kept me another day because I laughed too hard yesterday and had winced. Which according to everyone was not okay, even with the scans showing it was just lingering soreness from my healed muscles being tugged.

But today was my release day and I was super excited to get out of the hospital. Not that it was a bad place to be but being monitored at all hours of the day, having eight large military guys camping out all over the floor because 'We're still on duty, Tank, get used to it', and having little to no privacy was starting to grate on me. I was fine. I knew I was fine yesterday but they made me stay another day. I just wanted to sleep without the sound of someone snoring because I only had so many hospital pillows to whip at the offender. Not that Jetski would ever admit to it despite the three or more pillows he had found himself surrounded by in the mornings. So I was glad to get some semblance of sleep back.

As it was they were trying to figure out where to house us all. I wanted to go back to Mare's but Luke and the guys were resistant because they needed to be around me to protect me. If we went that route we would need a housing unit with at least five bedrooms if the guys wanted to double up on the sleeping arrangements. And I wasn't looking at having eight large roommates. I really wasn't. So I wanted to avoid it at all costs. I understood their orders and what not but I really couldn't live with all eight of them.

I finished setting the pillows up and put my hands on my hips with a firm nod. It looked put together well enough. My little things were packed up, I smiled slightly as I thought about the little mismatch of figurines I had received. The guys said that Iris, Sarge, TruckNuts, and Pinky had some for me as well but there was nothing to do about trying to get them right now. Which I agreed with. I wasn't wanting to go back to earth, not for a long, long time.

I wasn't quite sure how I felt about that. Earth was my home planet, Canada was where I grew up, where I had lived my life, but the thought of going back there, of heading back into that situation once again, made me want to panic. I couldn't handle that, I couldn't handle the thought of wearing shields all the time, of looking over my shoulder for people wanting to kidnap me, of dealing with flying bullets and shootings happening all around me. I just couldn't do it.

"Hey Tank." Fist said it as he strolled into the room. "We gotta go. Cruiser's out front." I nodded and grabbed my small bag of things, heading towards him with a smile. My ship had been moved from the roof to the hanger it had been in prior to me leaving. It was just safer with it there and it gave the scientists time to run diagnostics to ensure that the systems were functioning appropriately and that it would be once again ready for flying through space.

Fist fell into step beside me as we walked out of the room, reaching over and snagging my bag from me with without a word as we walked down the hall. There were eight floors to the hospital and I had been brought to the fourth after my surgery. Which was still pretty amazing to think about. I had two scars, one on my back and one on my stomach but that was is. The ache had faded and there was pretty much zero recovery time. I had grilled Bav'ka about it and she had been happy to explain the process to me.

Essentially I had been placed into a surgical 'tank' that provided more of the stasis drugs but also allowed for injections. From there the surgical tank was connected to a nanite station, a big donut shaped machine, where the nanites had been preloaded with my scans and physiological information and then injected into me. Which it was interesting because she said that because I had lost so much blood, she said about twenty percent total volume, that they couldn't follow standard procedure, which was they removed about ten percent total blood volume and replaced it with this strange saline nanite solution. I had to get a mix of fifteen percent saline nanite solution as well as a five percent blood composite that had been created specifically for my physiology.

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