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My species was patient. It was a skill we had developed on our home planet. The high temperatures meant we had to limit our predation, to think about our movements and ambushes before we made them, to ensure we weren't needlessly wasting energy on repeated failed attempts. It was what made us so easy to get along with when the others had arrived on our home world. We had waited, and listened, and watched the newcomers and then thought to the Great Mountain about their motives and came to the conclusion they were genuine.

But still, it was a trait all of us jyngt had, and I was just the same as the rest. We waited, we watched, and we thought our words and actions through. We always had and I was fairly certain we always would, even in the fast paced world we currently lived in. And through the hours in her company, I felt that the little human named Rock-sea was genuine.

I had been excited for the first contact, we all had been, I was excited us Jygnt could finally share food with another species and enjoyed her EDM music but I had held my own counsel, reserving myself slightly to watch and learn from her, to see how she was and how much we could trust her.

She was a genuine person. I truly believed, through my observations, that she was excited to meet us, genuine in her want of friendship, and her motives were pure. Well as far as motives could be when one was thrust into a situation there was no preparation for. Still, she seemed to have no hidden agendas, no dangerous undercurrents to her presentation, there was no facade. I was fairly certain that what we saw was the actual person she was. It was nice to see and a bit relieving. I had not wanted to find something untoward that would mean a stop to the budding friendships that I knew were being created in her company.

Us on the council had been forced into close proximity, it was the basics of the job as Ambassador, but we had also been chosen based on how well we could work together. All of us, in some way or another, had things in common. We created friendships and bonds to ensure we worked well together and to show the planets we oversaw that despite our differences, we could all be friends. Sure there were moments when some arguments happened and feelings were hurt or someone got offended, such was life, but we all worked together very well.

I knew the older Ambassadors, the ones who had to step down, still kept in contact with those they had worked on the council with who remained and others who had left. We did our best to showcase why the Galactic Union was the best way to live, that we were worth more, we were better, together than we were apart. So that was why I was fairly certain that our newest little species, our human Rock-sea, would more than likely be appointed as Ambassador to her species.

Once I had determined her to be genuine, I had a feeling that would be what would come next after the excitement and the deluge of information slowed down. She would be offered a seat on the Council and I hoped it was with us on Torin but it was too soon to tell. The Supreme Council had not contacted us yet and there was no doubt in my mind that they had been informed. It would be up to them, and to her, to determine what her place would be in this budding relationship between our species. No doubt they would want more contact with her planet, to talk to others as well to determine the steps they would take to bring the humans into the Galactic Union.

"Did you bring some food?" Rock-sea's voice pitched upwards in what I assumed was excitement and I gave her a slow nod. I had went out and gathered take out from all of our favourite restaurants, knowing that we would be pulling late hours while Rock-sea was with us. Not that I begrudged her for that, I enjoyed the slight change of pace that our Council had taken.

"I have brought food for everyone. I knew I would not be able to pull anyone away from their current objects of interest to arrange a trip to a restaurant so I made the choice to bring food to them instead." I carefully set the bags of take out on the large lunchroom table. We had moved into the large lounge room after Mairaede had connected to Rock-sea's computer and had managed to get a conversion kit to translate her data into usable data for ourselves.

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