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The trip to Torin was supposed to take twelve hours.

Luke made it in nine.

He barely remembered the trip, just knowing he needed to go as fast as possible to get Roxie to Torin to get her taken care of. Timmay had been calling out her vitals every so often. At first the medic had been very alarmed over her rapidly dropping vitals but once they stabilized at a very low rate and had hung there, he had been less frantic about it. He then called out what the readings said, oxygen levels, blood pressure, rate of bleeding, which has been stabilized to nearly nothing when her heart rate had dropped from the drugs putting her into stasis.

The others had cleaned and talked but the energy was nervous and concerned. Luke couldn't really focus on any of that so he focused on flying, on getting Roxie to where she needed to be to be taken care of. He worried the entire flight that her vitals would tank, that she would die before they got there, all things he knew the guys were feeling as well.

At the same time he was going back step by step, trying to figure out what he had done wrong that got them into the situation to begin with. He noted everything he had done wrong, they should have locked the building down, had more soldiers guarding than they had, they should have specified to the Ottawa police that the building was to be shut down and no one was to go in or out while the assembly took place. His biggest thing was he never should have let her go on the stage with her shields acting up. Her shoulder was a bruised mess but with her shields functional she wouldn't have been wounded like she was. He couldn't find a rational explanation for why he let that slip. He should have been adamant about switching ports with her. He hadn't and that was on him.

He knew that once Roxie was taken into care, that he would have to debrief with his men about what went wrong and how they could prevent it in the future. It wasn't a debrief he was looking forward to. Four of the team were back on earth and they had zero contact with them. He had given Pinky and TruckNuts their orders, protect Bianca and the second chance box and he knew they would relay those orders to Iris and Sarge but he didn't like how there wasn't a way to contact them. Not even mentioning he had to express to the guys that the mission failure wasn't on them, it was his failure but he knew they would blame themselves anyway.

Torin was in the view screen, it looked a lot different to earth, the planet looked hazier. Which Roxie had told him the planet had a thicker atmosphere but it was just strange to see. Konnie gave a low whistle as he moved to the view screen. "There it is." He said it and Luke nodded as he started a slower descent to the planet. He was still following the glowing green line that indicated where he needed to go but he didn't want to go too fast because he didn't want to hit anything that may be flying around.

"Not what I was expecting." Aragorn said it as he moved over and before long all the guys, with the exception of Timmay, who was still in the small bedroom, were watching through the view screen.

Luke pushed the ship through that haze and after what felt like forever they were hit with a view of green and blue. The view was much more similar to earth than the far view and there were some low whistles from the guys that he ignored. He could see large ships flying around, still small on his screen but the size of them must have been massive if he could spot them from their current location at nearly forty-eight thousand feet. He adjusted his heading and moved towards the location that was flashing on the holo deck. The view of the holo deck changed the closer they got to the ground, the planet growing and then just showing a map with faint lines, the location flashing.



Luke ignored the words as they came to a rather futuristic looking city, flying cars and everything. Luke swallowed hard as he maneuvered the ship when he noticed the comms were flashing. He reached over and flicked them on.

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