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We followed Mare in a group, the guys huddling round me, each trying to suck up to spend some time with Rocksi. I held her close, feeling the need to fight them off. I even resisted the urge to bite Konnie as he reached over my shoulder to touch her tiny, fuzzy toes. We made it to the room and settled in as Mare and Loril started to explain what had happened and where we were at. Rocksi woke up part way through and Hint slid over a bag and I pulled out some toys. She was entranced by them and I couldn't get enough of the cuddles as I cooed at her. I sporadically put in my own thoughts on certain things and there were some discussions on the various things that had been done over the past three weeks.

By the end of it, the guys had finally gotten Rocksi away from me and us on the Council were just laughing and chatting about whatever came to mind and it finally made me feel like things were okay, that we were back where we had left off when I left for earth. It made me relax for the first time in what felt like forever. I had missed it, I really really had.

Gal'rug nudged me from his spot beside me. "I've got another plan. This time we will track Loril-ee so she doesn't get caught in the crossfire." The words were low and conspiratorial and he gave me a sly smile, leaning closer to me.

"You sure, big guy?" I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him. I remembered being chased around by Loril. I wasn't keen to try it again.

"Without a doubt." He glanced at me again, smirking, showing off one of his tusks.

I stared at him as I rested my chin in my hand, studying him slightly. "I don't know if I trust your judgment. We were stuck in a tree for like two hours." I tsked him slightly, wrinkling my nose.

"My judgment made me determine you are my most favourite human. I would say it is sound." He winked at me and my heart jumped in my chest and I just gave him a small smile, settling my chin further into my hand.

"If you keep that up, I might just have to marry you." I stared at him intently, pushing into it even though my heart thumped hard in my chest.

His eyes widened in shock and he looked half a second from passing out and my small smile grew into a smirk. "What if you did?" It came out of him almost confused and slightly shocked.

"Then I'd say I'd be one happy and satisfied woman, wouldn't you?" I shrugged despite the heat in my cheeks and I watched as he sputtered, his cheeks growing dark as the big damned orc man blushed. That made me feel more than a bit better about my own internal freak outs whenever he half flirted with me. The dude knew how to push buttons, the trick was you had to push back in order to get him back for it.

"Ambassadors." A younger ilthi came in, his hands clasped and I looked over right as everyone else did as well. "There is a call in the comm room for you." He bowed slightly and I groaned heavily.

"I swear, since we started talking to the Supreme Council they never stop." I tipped my head back as I said it, internally wanting to say no.

"I'm afraid the call is not from the Supreme Council. If the trajectory is correct. It is coming from the Orion sector, from Earth." His words had everything freezing and I turned slowly and blinked.

"Earth?" I couldn't help how I squeaked it out and he gave another nod. There was another half second of pause before we all scrambled. I was first out the doorway and bolting for the comm room. Bianca had opened the box, she was opening the communication channels. My heart was in my throat as I dashed through the open doorway to the comm room and headed straight for the designated chair they had installed for me.

I got in it and quickly brought up the screens. I was aware of the others getting into their own comm chairs and my heart was in my throat as I saw the flashing pings. "Roks'ei, you are first point." At Loril's voice I let out a low breath, looking at Luke through my screen. He was holding Rocksi and he nodded at me, giving a reassuring smile.

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