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The guys had been stoked when they had received their scales, mid sized scales mainly, no nesting scales that I had seen. We had to practically peel Twigs off of Yek'tel'bat'gorm in order to be able to leave. The man was so smitten he asked Org'ra if he could take the dragon home. It reminded me of a kid asking to keep the random animal they found on the street. Thankfully she just laughed and told him no but if he ever wanted to start training winged horrors, she was more than willing to help him out. He had nearly agreed when Luke pulled him away.

I felt a little bad about it because there were all these new and exciting things the guys could do and they were stuck watching me. Not that any of them would complain about it. I heard enough variations of 'Still on duty, Tank.' to last me a lifetime. I was just glad I was able to give them some experiences. We had watched two more battles in the arena and the guys had all the warriors sign their scales, with the exception of Jetski who was adamant that no one but Kas'tara was allowed to sign his scale.

The guy was obsessed and I was just thankful Kas'tara thought he was cute as he would stare up at her in clear awe. She had even laughed when he asked her, very politely I might add, to step on him. Once we had gotten out of the arena, the guys were making whip noises at him and he had numerous variations of 'pussy whipped' tossed in his direction. The guy did not seem to care in the slightest. In fact he had come over to me to practically demand I help him get closer to the 'love child of Lady Dimistrescu and she-hulk', which had made me laugh, much to his irritation. I did tell him to just be himself and she would probably enjoy his company. I don't think he believed me though.

"So you've all been scanned?" I glanced over everyone as we walked to the cruiser.

"For the last time, yes!" Aragorn groaned as he said it and I rolled my eyes.

"I just need to make sure." We were heading out to Dunnerton's favourite restaurant and I wanted to make sure that the guys wouldn't eat anything that would upset their stomach or make them sick. That would be one helluva welcome to alien cuisine.

"No dietary restrictions with the exception of Timmay having an intolerance to something called tarku." Luke shook his head slightly and I spotted Timmay and grinned.

"I have that too!" I felt happy someone else had the same dietary restriction as me, made me feel better about it all.

"I have zero clue what it is, so I don't care." He shrugged but smiled at me before reaching his fist out. I bumped mine against it and chuckled.

"Apparently it's like chicken but we have chicken so no loss." I didn't honestly think it was that great of a loss, we had alien bacon and ham to eat so it certainly made up for it.

"And this food is spicy?" Konnie looked super excited as he said it and I nodded.

"It can get super spicy, so watch for that. I tend to stick with the less spicy stuff to start with but talk to Dunner about spice levels." It was always good to talk to the professionals about the spice levels before attempting them. I knew alien spice was a little different type of heat compared to the spice on earth. It was hard to explain but it was.

"I'm not entirely a dumbass, Tank." He made a face at me and I just laughed.

Gal'rug nudged my arm and I turned my head to look up at him in question. "We go to the restaurant then we go back to Mare-aidee's. Is that okay?" The concern was clear and I nodded, bumping into his side in silent thanks. I appreciated that he cared enough to check in to make sure I was still doing okay. It was nice to realize I had support, I was more of a loner so having as big of a support system as I currently had was nice. I really appreciated how the Council circled the wagons and how the guys were willing to put up with me, even though they were very, very far away from their homes. We made it to cruiser and Ham opened up the back door and the guys all piled in, talking rapidly about the arena. I smiled as Gal'rug opened up the front door for me. I thanked him as I got in and he closed it.

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