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The next day

"My fat little golden goose, where are you?" At Bianca's call I rolled my eyes but looked at the door to the canteen.

"I'm in the canteen! What do you want?" I just had a greasy burger and fries and was basking slightly. Sometimes nothing hit quite the same as greasy food. There was just something satisfying about it that other, healthier foods couldn't provide.

I watched as she walked through the door with a wide, almost cat ate the canary like smile. "There you are."

I narrowed my eyes in suspicion as I watched her. "What do you want with that smile on your face?" She was a lawyer, I didn't trust that look, not at all.

"So untrusting, Roxie" The smile seemed to grow even wider and I groaned. "I can smile at my little golden goose, can't I?" She asked it sweet as pie and I scoffed.

"Not like that."

She crossed her arms over her chest and then made a showing of looking at her nails. "Well then. I guess you don't want to hear about how I negotiated a trip to visit your family under the guise of Hudson picking out a temporary strike team to protect you from the CANSOFCOM main base."

My mouth dropped open in shock and I stared at her. "No." I could see my family? "No, you didn't." I shook my head as I stared at her and she looked overly smug.

"Oh but I did." She buffed her nails on her button up and I scrambled out of my chair. I bolted towards her and hugged her tight, lifting her off of her feet as she yelped in surprise.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I wanted to cry. I was so excited and thankful I wanted to cry. I had been wanting to see my family since I came back to earth but I hadn't asked because I had been terrified I would be told no. And I didn't go to see them after Hudson told me where they were because I didn't want to get him or them into trouble. I set Bianca down and nearly vibrated. "Thank you so much!"

She patted my shoulder, giving my arm a firm rub with a more genuine smile. "It's the least I can do for my golden goose. Now I will be coming with you as I need to have a meeting with the other partners of the firm. But while I'm busy doing that you can take a tour of the base, help Hudson pick out the team, or hang out with your family." I nodded rapidly. I didn't care as long as I got to see my family. "Alright. If you two are ready to go, we can head out." At that I quickly nodded and looked at Hudson who just shrugged and got out of his chair.

It wasn't long before we were exiting the base out of the rear entrance to the new, more hidden landing space they had made for my ship. From there we were in the ship and on our way. I had Hudson input the location into the GPS and Bianca seemed more than excited to be flying in the ship with us. I made a mental note to take her on a special trip to the moon and maybe even mars. It wouldn't take too long and I knew she would appreciate it. The woman was making this entire process so much easier for me. Since we had decided to work solely based on the Accords, the pressure had been off of me and that was just... I was so thankful for it. I had felt like I was going to crack right down the middle before the suggestion.

The flight to the hidden CANSOFCOM base wasn't too long and I hovered over the air strip, turning on my comms. "This is Captain Roxie Matthews of codename Void Breaker, requesting landing permission." I looked out of the view screen as I waited and was aware of Hudson shifting his weight from his spot behind me. Bianca had taken the smaller co-pilot's seat and that left him standing.

"Captain Matthews, you have been cleared to land on bay 2." The voice came over and I looked down at the air strip and spotted a soldier wearing a bright yellow vest gesturing at me right in front of what looked to be a helipad with a big white B2 painted on it. I followed the gestures and it wasn't long before I landed the ship and shut off the power.

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