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"Boss!" The call was frantic and Luke could hear Roxie crying. He cursed as he got the ship to forty three thousand. "She's fucking bleeding a lot. We need to get her to a hospital!" She got shot, how the hell did she get shot? The words crashed into Luke's brain again and again.

"I want to go to Torin!" She was nearly sobbing and Luke cursed as he pulled up the comms. He sent out the call and then bolted out of the seat, moving to check on her.

She was nearly surrounded and the guys were moving quickly, gauze was pressed to her stomach that was turning bright red way too quickly. "I'm calling them but if we need to, you will be taken to a hospital." Whatever was needed to ensure she was okay, she needed to be okay first before anything else.

"I want to go home. I don't want to do this anymore!" She gasped it out and Luke nodded quickly, feeling frantic.

"I know." He did. He knew that deeply but her survival was paramount to everything else. She needed to survive. He didn't know how the fuck it happened, she had her shields, she had her fucking shields.

"What happened? How did this happen?" Luke gestured quickly, looking over the guys.

"She said the shields were fucking up on the roof. They must have dropped. We were covering her, I swear we were!" Jetski looked half panicked as he looked up at him and Luke cursed hard and heavy, his thoughts on the fact she mentioned that her shields were acting up before she went on stage.

"I should have switched with her." He snapped it out and started to pace. "I should have fucking switched with her." His shields had been fine. They held but she was bleeding out on the floor because hers fucked up at the worst possible time. He should have switched the minute hers were having problems.

"I don't wanna be here anymore!" Roxie croaked it out through her sobs before she gave a small, pained cry as Timmay pressed a new gauze to the other blood soaked ones.

"I know, Tanky girl. I know!" Timmay looked stressed and pale and Luke swallowed hard.

"What is going on?" The shout came from the view screens and Luke bolted back to it.

"Roxie's been hurt, it's bad. Is there anything we have on the ship that can help her?" He said it quickly, looking at the few Councillors on the screen. If anyone had anything to help slow her bleeding it would be them.

"What?" The question was repeated through them all and Luke slashed his hand through the air.

"I can't answer questions. Do we have anything on the ship that can help her? She's been shot and she's bleeding a lot." If they had anything, anything at all that could help, he wanted to know and he needed to know now.

"The stasis pod." Loril-ee, the little fairy, said it quickly, her hands moving rapidly across her screen. "It's been installed below her bed because having them is mandatory on every space faring ship we build, even the small personal. It's a small chamber but the medication inside will put her into a stasis, her heart rate and breathing rate will slow drastically. It's used for long flights or medical emergencies."

Luke glanced over his shoulder as the guys started shouting. "We might have to take her to a hospital-"

"No. You bring her to Torin." It came out of Mare-aidee surprisingly strong and clipped and more than a little agitated. Which was surprising because Luke had never heard her be anything but calm. "We have the medical facilities to ensure she is given the best possible treatment, I do not want her on that planet any longer, not while she is so vulnerable. We cannot trust the people of earth with her any longer."

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